Hybrid plastics

Could someone help compare any of these. Looking to get a plastic ss hybrid.

Digamma Crash
New Iceberg

Just trying to find something zippy and good for horizontals.


I vote for the Surveil


I vote for surveil too


@Niki @jjdddn1 Any particular reason yall prefer that one over the others? Its the slimmest of all the options(not by much)!


Iceberg is too loud, but plays great. Mine lived for 2 months before it had pulse vibe.

Rooc is V shape and I simply don’t like V shapes…

Pory Crash is too wide for me.

Surveil is an all rounder.


Makes sense! Thanks!

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If you go fro the iceberg go Classic ! I have both and the classic plays more fast and floaty :grin: I had the V2 first and it didn’t quite resonate with me but the Classic i absolutely loved !


Surveil fits your description exactly


l to r: Iceberg (OG), Surveil & Pory Crash

The Pory is the widest by a bit but it’s probably my favorite. Feels great, long spin, stable. Just an all around great throw.

The Surveil is (was) a close second but one of my rims has come loose, so i’m a bit soured on it. I always play over carpet, I haven’t hit it on anything significant. No dings or anything but in under a year, the ring came loose. I could feel it getting loose when it hit my hand coming back to me. That said, I haven’t seen anyone else complaining of this, so I’m probably just lucky. This is obviously a possibility on any hybrid/bi-metal/weight ring equipped throw. This throw is the only one I’ve had this happen with.

Iceberg. Cant go wrong with this one either. I set it up for 5A recently and i go back and forth between it and the Pory. Still like the Crash a little better but that doesn’t stop me from throwing this one too.

All pastic/hybrid throws make noise. The Iceberg is the loudest of the 3. Surveil was the quietest with the Pory a close second. You can quiet them significantly with a touch of lube. I cleaned the bearing with some Mineral Spirit, dried and used a touch of the Monkey Finger lube. Very Very quiet. It can add a little responsiveness though. That’s the trade-off.

Can’t comment on the others as I have not played any of them.

The Pory is $20 less than the surveil, if that’s part of the decision.
Pory is the same price as the Iceberg, so of those 2 I’d personally take the Pory.

I think the Suveil would be seen as the best of the 3 of these, my personal experience being the exception and not necessarily the norm.

I hope this helped. Good luck



My favorite hybrid is the Gamma Crash. I haven’t tried the new version.

I also highly recommend the iCEBERG and the Surveil.

I honestly don’t think you can go wrong with any of these.


Thanks for the writeup!
Good to know about the noise! Someone above you mentioned it and figured they got a bad bearing but this seems to be a more universal experience!

yeah, i saw that comment so I thought i should mention it. it can actually be a bit annoying in a quiet setting.


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Yeah I really don’t think you can go wrong with any option here. All are just going to be baseline really good yoyos. I’m surprised more people don’t recommend the Rooc. I’ve said it a couple times but I love the Krown line. I haven’t played a Rooc (or any hybrid actually), but if I had to get one it would be my first choice.

The extra width and thicker rims of the Porycrash might be better for horizontal though. I love my Galaxy Diver for horizontal, the extra width helps me so much.


I’ll add to the Iceberg v2. It’s probably one of my favorite throws save the noise. I don’t mind it, but my wife gets annoyed by it pretty quick, so I just use it when I’m outside with the boys and dogs. I also really like the H shape. It can play pretty relaxed and just sail through combos, or you can push it and it’ll jam. Very fun throw.
It’s my only hybrid, but I would probably agree that you can’t really go wrong here.

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I’d say take a chance on the new Digamma Crash. If it really is the upgrade to Gamma Crash, then it’ll probably the best yoyo for your needs. The Gamma Crash was the best hybrid out there for a long, long time, at least until the Iceberg V1 came around and became really popular, and lots of people still love the Gamma Crash, so I’ll say take a chance with the new one. It was sort of the pioneer for good hybrid plastic yoyos. Also, the Gamma Crash was mostly unavailable by the time the Iceberg V1 came out which is why you don’t see many people mention the Gamma Crash.

If you want the safe option, like most other people in this thread have recommended, go with the Mowl Surveil.

I will recommend against getting a PoryCrash. The PoryCrash is really the opposite of what you want, especially that zippy portion. The PoryCrash is first and foremost a yoyo that is built for 5A, not 1A, which is why it is so wide and is so extremely stable. It feels neither too heavy nor too too light, like you can feel its presence on the string just enough (doesn’t feel super powerful like a Mowl Surveillance or super light like a YoYoFactory 44) which might not be very interesting to play with. Because of it being built for 5A, it is quite reluctant. You will find yourself needing to push the yoyo pretty hard to get to the speed you want while at the same time feeling like the yoyo has a speed cap that you need infinite energy to overcome. It’s like a car that simply can’t go above 60mph because of its lackluster engine. It is alright at changing directions, like you don’t have to put a lot of energy into it to get it to move at a normal speed, but it isn’t zippy. Trying to go above that normal speed will take tons of energy though, which is why I call it reluctant.

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Yeah! The rooc does look pretty nice! I actually think it looks the best! Im probably gonna wait a bit to see if someone chimes in about the rooc or the digamma. I would have gone for the surveil since so many people recommended it but the available colorways are just not for me!

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YYF Polly Edge it is my bi-material EDC.

I made one small change if you have a YYF Polly Edge try this let me know what you think. I put a white fully ceramic I think Sochi bearing in it. It made I a different throw. I recently tried to put a regular center tract bearing it just to see the difference in sound ( yes full white ceramic bearing do make most throws louder ) and it was not the same throw, just felt heavy, slow and less loud… so I have the Sochi back in it. I weighed both bearings and the weight difference is Sochi bearing is 1g lighter but I guess in the center feels bigger than that. May have to do with ratio’s, math, and things like this /<~=+ 3 [ ( 7a • - 1/2c ) ( 4x + y) ] nightmares.


I have both icebergs the rook, and the gamma crash. I like the second iceberg the best. I also have the Aceyo lucency and the iyoyo spin master x because I like hybrids but go for the iceberg two.


Oh really! What does the new iceberg play like?

This may be helpful,

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