
Well good luck and remember just keep swimming just keep swimming

Tell her I said to put down that cigarette and go make you a sammich!

My girlfriend was great about it and is sticking with it. It does make it a lot easier. That, and the support of this community. You guys are all awesome.

It’s a hard hard habit to break and it doesn’t get any easier with time.

YAYYY! Finding Nemo!

The funny thing is that she would go make me one. She’s awesome.

That’s pretty great :slight_smile: Maybe she’ll quit then when you ask her to.

You know jojokay, I crave yoyoing is a similar fashion to smokes as well. I would never be so naive and callous as to suggest there is a similar addiction. However I find myself watching the clock at work anxious for that next opportunity to throw a little at the same time fellow employees go outside for a smoke.

The difference, some people have the mistaken idea smoking makes them look cool. Yoing is definitely cool!

Oh my god yes. It’s a problem for me. At my summer job, I would storm out of the office, looking like I had to go somewhere really important, to meet someone really important, really quick. When in all reality I just needed to go throw behind the bike racks. Hey, everyone else got half hour lunch break while I took fifteen minute lunchbreaks, so I called it even.

And if you can’t do it for yourself, do it for the kids…


I just made that the background on my phone :slight_smile:

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Are you still going strong?

Yes sir :slight_smile: I was just going topmost an update. It’s been a full week and not one puff. I have been tempted. It really worked in my favor that I got a cold. I never could smoke while sick.
Audrey is going strong, too. She’s chewing the occasional piece of nicotine gum but her attitude is good and spirits high.
Personally, I feel better already. Even with a cold I started feeling better. I’m psyched to see what the future brings, especially when I can start working out again. Oh, and I’m getting my teeth cleaned on the 24th. Not that my mouth is gross or anything, but it will be nice to have them be a few shades whiter again :slight_smile:

Congrats on week one! Keep the faith. We’re with you here in spirit.

was Geddy wearing his kimono?

Nope. He was wearing his “RASH” shirt.

Well done, good sir! And it’s great that you guys are doing it together and that spirits are high =)


Yah you! Now week 2 have at it!

The day has come. Got one last pack of Camel 99’s today along with a 150 pack of dum dum pops. Tomorrow is day 1. Wish me luck!http://img.tapatalk.com/d/12/10/15/yza7ugy6.jpg Oh and good job Waylon! Just got a cold too! But at least it was 70 today.

Good luck, man! Go kick those ciggies into orbit. waves pompoms


Thanks guys!

Josh, i drove through your neck of the woods the other night coming back from Pittsburgh. I must have blanketed the entire eastern half of the state with my germs :slight_smile: Seriously, good luck. You might find Twizzlers to be helpful. They did the trick for me for the first few days. I tried to find some of that Hi Chew all the kids are crazy about. Non luck there though.

Try finding it on amazon that place has everything!