Questions People ask you when YoYoing in Public that gets under your Skin

People who haven’t yoyoed would say that it is a waste of time as well… maybe this is those guys’ hobby. You don’t know much about it, and people could say the same things you say about that about yoyoing. Also, does yoyoing seem crazy hard to most people who don’t throw? No, they think it would be easy. I’m just saying you should keep perspective in mind.


well for me, this is the most stupid question that i always get from anything around me :

people : “are you a girl?”
me : “…yes” (confuse what the meaning of that)
people : “then why do you play boy’s stuff??”
me : “well i ask you back, does toy have gender?” (not in french of language that has gender in every noun)
people : “…no…”
me : “good, so i can play with them?!”

I really don’t like it when people say can you walk the dog. Sometimes I do it but it always gets scratched up.

Am I the only one that thinks that is cool? ;D

On topic:
Is that a real yoyo?
Can I try?
Is that a Yomega?
How 'bout a Duncan?
Can you do that again?

Can you stop showing off?
I almost never yoyo in public to show off but to keep my self entertained. I will usually throw in a secluded area just to keep others from thinking I’m showing off.

Random kid as I’m throwing and practicing revolutions: “what is that thing?”

Me: “a yoyo.”
Kid: watches in awe

Yea I’m glad I caught ones interest but at the same time it’s a bit sad that nobody knows what a yoyo is or has not seen a yoyo in a long time.

I did get by all day without a walk the dog request until I mentioned that the arm grind is like walking the dog on the arm. Luckily the kids understood that pavement will scratch up the pretty metal RecRev I had on hand.

this is yoyoing

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i now have to learn the pocket trick

Whenever someone asks, “Why spend so much money on yoyos?”

The most annoying question I get asked is “You seriously spend your time playing with a toy?” While it is just a question they have a right to ask, when I say you seriously spend your time infront of a tv playing video games all day, they act like I just insulted the queen

Dat necro.

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as someone that plays video games, I think that a more relevant response would be, “you spend HOW many hours on facebook?” or phone or whatever.

i usually carry 2-3 yoyos if i indend to play in public. If someone wants to try he gets an responsive speedaholic.

then most time .

Stranger: what you have anotherone with you ? how many do you have ?
(as if i am handing them for free)

Stranger: but your metal one is better, right ?
(dude, i give you the opportunity to try and the only thing i get is an insult ?)

Stranger: What? over 50 yoyos? what a waste of money.
(again, who are YOU to judge, it is a collection and collection are meant to grow)

Mom with sub 4 year old child: why don`t you let him/her try ?
(i feel bad everytime traumatizing toddlers, but handing newschool yoyos to sub 8 year olds is really a waste of effort, if they are not at least half asian)

i could go on forever, but i recognize that people are bare stupid on YoYoing.
thanks god does my girlfriend possese over 100 pair of shoes and is still buying and doesn`t question my collection at all.

This concept of getting upset over questions about yoyoing/ yoyos is strange to me. What is there to be upset about? I don’t know, maybe it’s because I deal with things that are immeasurably more frustrating on a daily basis. Aside from someone running up and slapping a yoyo out of my hands, I can’t see myself getting upset.


Was just thinking the same thing :slight_smile:

I’ve almost never had any problems, even though I yoyo in public almost every day. It must just be the Washingtonian effect of everybody ignoring every one else and being as quiet and unobtrusive as humanly possible. Or maybe we’re just more sophisticated. ::slight_smile:

Did you really necro this just to scream an ignorant word like retard at an imaginary 4yo


If you have a problem with questions then don’t yoyo in public it’s people that freak out over one small question that gives a community the wrong name.

let me tell you something. Not everyone is a yoyo genius. They don’t know it’s a 145$ yoyo. They know it looks cool though and thats why they wan’t to try it. That was a really ignorant post. Not only that but I Love to share the sport and I love to answer questions.

I was just in Korea in november-december and I had my Gen-yo entheos on me I was yoyoing and a whole bunch of kids came and watched. One kid, about 3, took particular interest in it and kept trying to take the yoyo. Instead of yelling at him and saying get away from my expensive yoyo I threw an intentional knot half way down the string put the string on the little boys finger grabbed the string just below his finger and let the yoyo roll down the string and pull it back up about 10 or 20 times. Let me tell you, the smile on that little boys face was worth the yoyo if it got destroyed i wouldn’t of been happier. He thought he was so cool and all the kids cheered for him. he loved it! And so did I.

Now I don’t tell you guys this story to look good or anything but to maybe set a different mindset with you people who post stuff like the post a few before mine. Spread this amazing sport and how awesome the yoyo community is.


Sorry for the rant.

If I intend to play in public I bring the magic yo as the beater. Though no one has hit it on the ground yet miraculously.