Questions People ask you when YoYoing in Public that gets under your Skin

This gave me a good laugh. Thanks Studio42.

Questions that get under my skin:
“How much free time do you have?”
“Do you have a life?”

Questions I love:
“Why doesn’t it come back when you tug it?”
“Can you walk the dog?”
“What’s the coolest trick you can do?”

The way I see it, anyone who’s interested is a potential new member for our community. Any questions that show interest are a good sign for me! ;D

Person: Is that a trick Yoyo?
I stay silent, but I’m thinking “Noooo, it just sits at the end of the string”

does such thing as a yoyo with a yoyo with a motor even exists?

on topic, no one has ever asked me to walk the dog, but Eiffel tower… classmates bugged me for about a week until i got bored and learned how to do it. Now i can throw in peace ;D

This is basically a normal conversation with one of my friends whenever I’m using a yoyo he has never seen before.

Friend: How much did that cost?

Me: It cost $60

Friend: You spent that much on a yoyo? You already have some though?!

Me: Yes, yes I did. Does cool, but easy trick

Friend: Woahh that’s amazing!!! totally forgets about the price and wants to try

One of the things that is kind of enjoyable for me but is kind of annoying for the other people is when they say “Can I try that?” I usually say “No it’s broken, see.” And I show them that it doesn’t come back up and then they ask “Can’t you fix it?” And I say, “Nope sorry.” Like I said, it’s kinda mean/annoying, but what can you do.


I sometimes get asked if I hacked my yoyo.

Yes, a motorized yoyo does exist. Check out “Hyper Bandai yoyo jensen kimmit” on Youtube.

Them: is it broken
Me: no
Them: than why does is stay on the bottom
Me: because it’s unresponsive
Them: than how do you make it come up
Me with a bind
( I show them it)
Them: is that an expert trick

Me: Is practicing in public, gets a knot in the string. Stops to take the string off and get the knot out.
Random Person: Watches me unscrew the two parts of the yoyo Is it broken?

Usual Questions:
“How much free time do you have?”
“Does that thing have a motor in it?”
“Is that a trick yoyo?”
“Can I try?”
“… Can you walk the dog?”

So I walked in on my dad (who has only thrown old school yoyos) starring inquisitively at the od 54 spin at the bottom of the string on his first or second throw. He asked whats wrong with it and I told him its not going to just come up and I mimed “the bind” with my hands in the air and then he says “Why does everything have to be so complicated with you?”.

Check out what one of my funniest dastardly friends had to say

“To put into perspective how stupid yoyoing is, this is cooler than it” and shared this link with me:

Now that’s a waste of time. Sorta, I don’t think it’s as limitless as yo-yoing.

I get

" Is that some kind of trick yoyo?"

So annoying!

It would probably be pretty fun to be able to do that, but I reckon YoYoing is more fun…

Yeah, but that didn’t seem crazy hard.

Haha that extreme sitting looks especially weak to me. But I think it was really comical and apt criticism of the typical yoyo videos you see out there in the vein of the skateboard vids with the gritty streets and rap music. I completely disagree but I do think its funny at least…to compare the 2 hobbies.

Technical sitting? Lol. Interesting. The whole time I wanted to grab it with 2 sticks or throw a string around it. He he he.
These guys need help if sitting is that hard for them. Just kidding.

I just don’t like when people say “can I try?” and then get my yoyo in a huge knot and then say “I’m not that great, it isn’t my fault” and walk away.