What do spectators say about your yo-yoing? What are their comments?
For me: “You should enter the talent show!” “That’s impossible” “Can you walk the dog?” <---- BLARGH “Amazing” “Is it still spinning?” “What is that?” “That’s insane?” “How did you learn this?”
them- “can you… walk the dog”
me-“why yes let me just finish this super advanced trick”
I also get
“is yoyoing like a sport nowadays”,
“are you like the best yoyoer ever”(to this I’m forced to reply no), etc.,etc.
‘is that a duncan?’
‘woah, is that magic?’
‘Can you… walk the dog?’ I just say sure, and grind up my arm lol
‘Is that, art’?
‘How long does it spin?’
‘180 bucks into a yoyo, what are your parents thinking?’ >.<
‘I see you’re good with your hands?’ Girls these days… Disappointing
Can you walk the dog?
How much is that?
Why is there a yoyo hanging on your pants?
Too much time on your hands.
Is that a trick yoyo?
Is that a special yoyo?
It that a weapon or a toy??
I’ve gooten pretty much all of these on here, but I’d like to add:
“How long have you been yoyoing?”
“Are there contests for that?”
“How often do you change the string?”
“But it’s not a yoyo… It doesn’t come back up.”
“Does it hurt your hand when you catch it?”
“Have you ever gotten injured?”
(After someone asks me to walk the dog and I do a grind) “Can you do it on the ground?”