Pay it Forward Panorama + Fat Tire

Sounds good. @tigercasual please send those off when you have a chance!

Can you send me your address?


Sure pm sent

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I sent the yoyos off yesterday and they are now traveling to the next stop on their national tour. Thanks again for the opportunity, I look forward to following their travels. I hope Captrogers has as much fun with them as I did.



Make sure to copy and paste for the next guy, so they can read the rules and familiarize themselves with how it works. 🫰🏾

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Thankfully I’ve done one before and am familiar but yeah ill make sure to post the rules when its time to move to the next. which reminds me i need to bump the other pay it forward im on and see if anyone will take it.


The Pano and Fat tire have landed. Very nice yo-yos. I’ll have to mess with them a bit more to get a feel for them.


I’ve been enjoying these two enough i nabbed a fat tire while on sale for yoyo day. I honestly like the pano more but finding one is the problem. Either way very cool throws that i’ve enjoyed my time with so far.


That pano’s colorway is sick. I want it in my mcmo

@Basix this

Okay I have travel coming up so it’s time to end this run and pass them on. Also I think I’m close to a month. Either way time to move it along. Fun throws. I got a fat tire at some point cause of this and will be on the look out for a pano at some point.

“Now it time to pass these great throws again.

Here are the rules again:
The first person to post “I’ll take it” here in this thread (DMs don’t count) will receive these two excellent yoyos in the mail! (Contiguous US states only please.)
BUT here’s the catch: In one month (give or take a few days) you must create a post in this thread, similar to this one, offering the yoyos up to the next person to say “I’ll take it”. You will then be responsible for shipping the yoyos safely off to that person.

Also, in light of the recent debacle with our pay it forward Inception, I am going to ask that you have at least one piece of positive feedback from a sale or trade that you have made on this forum - OR - that you have at least a year of membership under your belt prior to requesting the yoyos. It’s not a perfect solution, but hopefully this will help weed out any opportunists who don’t have a concept of honor.”

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Ill take it but i dont think i have any feedback :frowning: made a few buys from peeps though like @tropical_vibes @yoyoretro and @Snack and @TommyBwell


I totally respect the fact that it needs to be someone who moves things in a timely fashion though, since i havent ever sold on here im a wild card on how i would ship and etc

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@Spenny93 is good based on my interaction. All smooth and quick in terms of communications / responsiveness and generally very friendly throughout. Yoyos are on en route to him.


Good enough for me @Spenny93 pm incoming for address.


YAY the pano is like perfect size in my mind and fat tire i was worried would be too fat but now i can give that shape a try, maybe itll change my perspective :smiley:

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Shipping setup should arrive by Monday to @Spenny93 I’ll give a last update when its officially on the move.

I’ll note I played with both one more time side by side and I think I prefer the fat tire out of the two, but they aren’t really all that comparable. just my preference.

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Spenser is a solid citizen and a great guy to trade with. Actually just a great guy period.


it has arrived! start the countdown t-minus 30 days.


Obligatory/bonus photos of them tucked in for the night.