Pay it Forward Panorama + Fat Tire

Yeah i did some editing to make them look spiffier to me lol

After a full day of playing with the panorama, I did not land a single beef hook in 4 hrs of attempts. But i do feel like i got a better feel of this throw and i did make progress…

Only been working at it for a couple days. My favorite part of throwing is it grows my patience. Ive never been a patient person, especially in my hobbies, but teaching myself to grow as a musician with the guitar, and now replacing my video game time with yoyoing, i can safely say my life is more fulfilling in my hobby life.

Happy wednesday


Those stands are awesome!

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I swore off video games almost a full year ago now, and throwing has replaced that for me as well!


All right guys i am going to ship something else on monday so i may as well send the panorama and fat tire on to the next person. One change will be i got a black orange half swap panorama that will be taking the place or the blue purple splash. Approved by @Deadboots a couple weeks ago :slight_smile: i just love blue lol. Ill toss them. Both side by side tonight to do a final verification they play the same.

Lego se will stay with the one i ship out of course.

If you want in on this pay it forward go ahead and let me know. Either need some feedback on here or others have to vouch for you in the community! Will be shipped out on monday.

Simply be the first to post “I’ll take it” in this thread and I will ship it to you.

Here’s the catch:
In 1 month (give or take a few days) you must copy this post and send the Panorama & Fat Tire on to someone else. You assume responsibility for paying for shipping to the next interim owner!

CONUS only to keep shipping cheap. Apologies to our international friends.

In light of the recent debacle with our pay it forward Inception, I am also going to ask that you have at least one piece of positive feedback from a sale or trade that you have made on this forum - OR - that you have at least a year of membership under your belt prior to requesting the yoyo. It’s not a perfect solution, but hopefully this will help weed out some mean-spirited opportunists.

A pox on the one who breaks the chain!


Am i crazy for thinking someone would have commented fast on this lol

Nah, but I’ve noticed that the last few PiFs up for grabs have taken longer than usual to be claimed. Hopefully someone takes it over the weekend so you can save a trip to the PO!

Normally I’d jump in here and see if I can get a second turn but I bought me a Panorama of me very own after trying this one!


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Well hey no sweat, i probably should spend some time with the fat tire. The more i play with it the more the shape grows on me!

At first i was like “what the hale why would someone want this”

Now im like “oh this catch zone is so nice right now when im tired” lol

Not sure on procedure for bumps on these lol

Panorama and fat tire are waiting for the next person who wants to try em out :slight_smile:

Wow. This went on for so long and then just stops. Maybe I will try. What are the rules again?

Oh. Never mind. I see them and am looking now.

I’ve not set up a feedback for myself but I have had dealings with some whom I’m sure would vouch if asked. If that’s not enough then I respectfully bow out.

Yeah tag the people youve dealt with and once they vouch ill get them all packed up!

Just tag them in this thread?

@TommyBwell @Captrogers @mistakenbigfoot @TheSliverKing
I am hoping that you can vouch for my somewhat questionable character here in this thread so that I may participate in this Pay it Forward. Thank you for your time.


I’ll vouch. Steve’s good. He won’t do anything I wouldn’t do. which… well that’s a low bar probably but I trust him.


Awww. You’re too kind. I did used to hide in the bushes so I could jump out and scare the $#[¥ out of my mother but I’m hoping you won’t hold that against me. It was so long ago!!:rofl:


Reminds me of when id hide inside the clothing racks when my mom was shopping. But i didnt jump out, and the scare wasnt intentional! Lol

All right ill message you!