Pay it Forward Panorama + Fat Tire

Did that too. Resulted in a few whacks. My mom was so used to it she actually whacked someone else’s kid once and about died. :rofl:

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I had nothing but a wonderful experience when doing our deal sir! I personally would trust you if it was my pay it forward with zero issue! :slightly_smiling_face:

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If sending to @Slestak75, may want to add some fine print.

“Any modifications need to be returned to stock before passing them on.”

Interested if he will Narrow Bearing either one of these? That would be so cool!

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I hadn’t thought to do it but the fat tire would be interesting responsive.

Not sure that I would take it upon myself to risk damaging another man’s property for my own enjoyment. I presume to add clauses to the simple contract that has been established that include not ~£{*}€ing with it. :rofl::rofl:
I will add that I had a Pano some time back that I was not ready for and traded it for something I was ready for. I did do a half bearing in it which it took with no mods and played actually quite well. I had problems keeping it on plane (my inexperience) and narrowing it with that bearing exaggerated that problem…but if you control your Pano well it would be fun for you to swap the bearing with a half C and give it a go. :wink:

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That post was partially tounge in cheek.

But if the Owner was OK with some shims and half spec… I am “MRC” (Modern Responsive Curious).



I know brother!! My comment was more for the owners who may get a bit scared. :rofl:
But the Pano certainly will take a half bearing with no shims needed. It’s perfect with just the bearing and plays responsive, not semi at all. Nice response actually. No trimming no shimming needed.

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Totally fine with you guys experimenting with different setups as long as the original side effects and bearings make it to the next person.

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Ill be honest im sad to see the lego side effects go. I think they added more weight than i realized…i must be getting in touch with my flow to notice it before i sealed the package up lol

I was sad to let the yoyo 3d print stands go. I need to order some

Since I know the Pano plays with a half bearing perhaps I’ll pop one in the Fat Tire and see what happens. Maybe I’ll even do a crappy video. You know…Boomer Style!!!


Panorama and fat tire are officially on their way!

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I had previously owned and traded a Panorama because I was not skilled enough as yet to throw it accurately enough to keep it on plane. I find this still to be the case. The “feels” very, very good in the hand, but it’s not forgiving in a way that allows me to enjoy it. Perhaps playing some more with it will help. The Fat Tire though…I really like the feel of this throw. Really, really like it. I’m still just getting used to unresponsive play and I hardly have any expansive experience with lots of yo-yos. I have only 4 unresponsives including a Top Deck. I’m almost thinking that I like the Fat Tire more than the Top Deck. Is that crazy? Neither of these took a narrow bearing by itself. So I’ll have to see about using shims to see if they’ll play responsive or not. Not tonight though. Thanks for the opportunity to try these fabulous and beautiful throws.

Edit: Nope!! I don’t like it better than my Top Deck. But it’s a close second.


My unsolicited advice: try to learn a few new 1A tricks over the next month, and give the Panorama some time and perhaps a side effects swap or two while you’re at it. I don’t think I have ever owned a yoyo that gets me into a meditative state of yoyoing the way the Panorama does - it demands my full attention in a way that’s just challenging enough, without being too frustrating.

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Yeah it really took me a month id say to get the breakaway down pat. But being able to do side tricks opens up a whole avenue of fun tricks to learn! I grab my pano and just zone out tossing it.

Also you can adjust the tilt once you get it in a side mount, if you have a bad toss!

Oh I will absolutely keep at it. I know that if I focus on working those issues out on a throw that’s troublesome to me, it’ll only help to improve all aspects of my throw. Maybe by the end of a month I’ll have greatly improved. There’s no way it can hurt, that’s for sure. :grin:

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I get you. I have a Snack that I’ve been using to help my accuracy and it has helped but I feel like the Pano exaggerates some inconsistencies with my release on the initial throw that don’t seem to plague me as bad with other yo-yos. I feel like the time spent with the Pano will be well worth it. I am just totally loving the Fat Tire though.


I understand the Pano better now. It goes slower very easily which helps. Already my throw has improved on every yo-yo I have as a result of working with the Pano. It’s still not my favorite but it’s definitely a great trainer. The improvement in throw has caused me to greater appreciate the throws I have. As far as switching to a half bearing to play them responsive. Neither will take a straight swap and shims only create gaps at the edge of the bearing seat because the bearings are not recessed in these at all. So only with filed down Side Effects can you get them to play responsive. I have a pair of those and will be trying it out later. :wink::+1:


Alright. So here is the Panorama set up to play responsive. It’s very fun and powerful. I had to use a pair of Side Effects that were filed down in order to get the halves to squeeze down on the narrow bearing. Also needed a lubed bearing as dry was mostly unresponsive still. @Pun1sh3R


And here is the Fat Tire with the same responsive setup. Both required the filed down Side Effects. The Fat Tire would be fun for someone to try this with but the Pano makes for a much nicer responsive.

These are the modded Side Effects compared to stock.