OVERrated yoyos

Way to take something out of context. Abilities of a yoyo does not equal expectations for a yoyo. I never said that all of these yoyos couldn’t handle any trick you throw at it. Most any yoyo you buy today can handle most any trick you can come up with, which is kind of my point.

I was just stating that when everyone hypes up a yoyo so much (overrating it) it set’s unreasonable expectations that when you actually try it you’re disappointed. That’s not the yoyos fault. We never said that these yoyos weren’t good enough. Yoyos can’t overrate themselves. It’s the people reviewing them, it’s the community saying that each new yoyo that comes out is a perfect 10 or a 9.5 out of 10, which causes them to be overrated… Most of the reviews I read today are more like paid advertisements rather than actual reviews. Why wouldn’t they be? Yoyo companies hand out free yoyos to review. The reviewer wants to show appreciation for the free yoyo, so he gives it a good review. This also improves their chances of getting more free yoyos in the future. I think it’s nice that yoyo companies give out the free yoyos for review, as free yoyos are always better than yoyos you have to pay for. However I do believe that a quality, unbiased review comes from someone who’s yoyo was purchased with their own hard-earned money.

They are overrated because lots of people like them, and that creates a lot of excitement for them, and that’s great and all because it helps sell yoyos. However when you try out that yoyo for yourself you think “hey this isn’t the magic yoyo that everyone has been talking about, it’s just another yoyo which can perform all the same tricks as all of my other yoyos, but it just doesn’t feel like I hoped it would. It’s not any easier to perform trick A, B, or C with this yoyo than it is with the yoyo I already have. In fact, I much prefer the yoyo I already have.”.


Everything you’ve said in your reply makes sense to me and I agree with it. However my prior response was based entirely on how I interpreted what I quoted, in it’s original context. This issue makes me wish forums were video based rather than text based.

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it’s just sometimes we expect too much and we got dissapointed…

What did you expect, a full metal? It’s 40 bucks, just don’t set your expectations too high. I happen to love mine.


JD won a WYYC 03 with a 40 $ yoyo and the plastic was even more than the metal JK Won WYYC 10 with a Full plastic 34$ yoyo TS Won WYYC 06 ? (5a) with a FHZ :slight_smile:

I tried the prototype, and all I can say is, I like it loads. And, sucks for grinds? I wonder how sucky can it be since it’s built for a guy who does a whole lot of grinds? (No offence to x52)

Well, how many times must it be said? IT’S THE YOYOER, NOT THE YOYO!!!

I honestly think this thread is about preference. If something seems popular, and you don’t like it, it’s overhyped to you. If you like it, then it wouldn’t be considered overhyped to you…

Prototypes are usually a little different from the production runs. Typically, any problems have been improved or worked out. The production may play way different than the proto you tried.

I wouldn’t think X52 is bad at yoyoing, (I’m not sure, but seeing a T-sev vid specially for him on youtube tells me he has an okay amount of skills. Oh well never mind.

True about the Prototypes. But from what i’ve heard it’s even better than the prototypes. Then again, it’s preferences. :-\

The only instances I’ve ever heard of this happening is with Dr. YoYo of yoyoskills.com and sometimes with the guys from highspeedyoyo.com. And they have to give theirs back at the end of the review session with very few notable exceptions. I’ve seen quite a few occasions where they (Dr. YoYo especially) have not been afraid to give a fair, unbiased opinion if they really thought it fell short.
Fact of the matter is, the vast majority of new yo-yos being released these days are really great performing high quality instruments, and are in most all cases well deserving of their respective hypes.

The only yo-yos I can think of now that I personally find overrated are:

and that’s only because the Superstar and the Lio don’t fit my preferences and the Hatrick just didn’t click with me. Preinfalk said it best really:


Anything by yoyofactory except the OG California and the DNA.

I would have to say the hat rick I mean it was good but nowhere near as good as my genesis


Most of YYF’s throws are overrated, not to say they’re not good, just sayin they’re not as good as some make them out to be. I’m sticking to Indie company’s!!! Yeah!

It is extremely easy to misinterpret exactly what someone means when they type. :-
Talking face to face is always the best mode of communication, but not always possible I guess.

I agree with everything except the Legacy, it just doesn’t get enough credit for how well it plays

Yeah I agree as well. I feel that the BOSS doesnt have as long of a spin time in harder tricks, and the 888x is just over marketed where everyone thinks they need one. Only yoyo I really like from YYF is my dv888. The rest perform, but not as well as other some other throws in that price range, but there is worse.

just gonna leave this here

my northstar: Not overrated, DM : Not overrated, Yuuksta : Deff. Not overrated. but a yoyo i think is overrated is a YYF Skyline. mine got sent and and it came with 2 screwed up hubstacks, messed up bearing, i ordered a couple extra bearings and it still was terrible, Mighty Flea, OVERRATED. i used a 3 brand new ones with a flea string i did one trick then it died out.

You must have just had bad luck with the Skyline. It’s really a top notch throw without a doubt. Did you order it from a retailer or purchase it secondhand/B-Graded?

And as far as the Mighty Flea goes, it sounds like you just don’t know how to use it. It’s not meant to replace or outperform your favorite high-end competition level yo-yo.

The Boss is capable of more than enough spin time for any trick you could possibly throw at it with a nice rim-heavy weight distribution and probably one of the widest gaps and catch zones I’ve ever experienced from yo-yos with the same dimensions. I don’t really think the Boss ever got a whole lot of hype, so I couldn’t see how it could possibly be overrated.

And lastly I think the only reason the 888x is overrated is because it has the legacy of the 888 name to live up to ('07 model specifically), which sadly I believe it falls pretty short. That’s just the nature of the beast.

In my opinion… The boss is a small diameter yoyo, so by law it will have shorter spin times then larger diameter yoyos, on top of that I feel that undersized yoyos in the same range as the boss perform better stability wise. I agree it can handle most all tricks I can throw at it but overall it comes short when compared to others in its category. This does not make it a bad yoyo, I enjoy very much how it feels in your hand and on the throw, I just noticed it spins out when others dont. But over all it was the yoyo that brought me the most disappointment recently. Just my though only. I really wanted it to be great just because I loved the feel of it. But like must posts here, its highly biased and opinion based.