Other hobby

Hello everyone,

I love to yoyo but wanted to if you guys have any other hobbies also.

For example, I am also into RC cars : I have a Team Associated TC4 which i use to drift and a Traxxas Slash which I use for off roads and going all over the place.

I use to skateboard but I lost all of my skills lol : my best trick would be kick flip down a ledge, ollie 4 stairs, and 50-50 nollie shove it out. i still have my board which i don’t use.

I started to snowboard , and I love it. Though catching air would be easy but its still hard, still learning the parks section of snowboarding!!

My newest hobby has to be GOLF!!! its so addicting… its like I have to hit that little ball straight or else I get pissed lol Just played an 18 hole today. shot 108 which is pretty bad LOL but had a blast doing it.

Anyways… those are all of my hobbies, now what about you guys?

I would love to go golfing sometime, but it’s an expensive hobby.

I was into RC racing about 10 years ago, but I dropped it because there were no hobby stores around.
I will get back into it. I really want the Traxxas Ken Block car.

I’ve been skateboarding for over 25 years now and I don’t plan on quitting anytime soon.

My hobby is also my job: Doing sound for concerts and events.

YoYo is just another hobby.

Sports and me don’t get along. I love soccer, but my knees are too wrecked up. Don’t care about other sports. I don’t want football on TV, or baseball or basketball or hockey or “insert sport here”. I don’t seek out soccer on TV, but if I find it, I may watch it. Closest I get these days is inline skating, which I do to take my kids to and from school. That’s 3 round trips. Trip 1: drop 2 kids off. Trip 2: get one from kindergarten. Trip 3: get other from school. They ride their bikes, I inline skate.

Recently, Dish Network added MLB to my programming. I said “Please take it right back out”. They said that it’s OK, since I’m not paying for it. I said it’s not OK, take it back off, cost or not, it’s not worth what I am paying for it. That negated their “perceived value” argument. I mean, how does adding something I don’t care about and don’t want and won’t watch appear to add value? I wouldn’t watch it if you paid ME to watch it.

Another hobby I do casually is coin collecting. These days I’m into challenge coins, but only from the point of view that I’m using these to gather ideas as I design my own.

for skilltoys, we are here. just so we know :wink:

(i am not accusing anyone of doing wrong, i would just love that board to have more traffic!)


I love hiking, camping, all skilltoys, puzzle solving.

I play in 2 bands.

I collect Comics and Transformers

I skateboard a couple times a year in bowls and pools

And i also Paintball every other weekend with a bunch of friends of mine.I just got a new JT Stealth Covert Ops gus with a nice HPA system and electronic hopper. ;D

Same, I’m a tranny guy. Not really into ledges and handrails. More of a carving the coping kind of guy. Ever since I took a trip to Kona I’ve been hooked.

I don’t do it as much as I’d like… but I may get into it again.

As far other hobbies, I play COD. Mainly a cod4 player but I do play Black Ops sometimes (never MW2, I hate it so much). I’ve been playing on codjumper servers (PC, of course) and getting into cod4 jumping. I can do most 125fps jumps and bounces, so that’s pretty fun.

I draw sometimes. I’d love to seek out a tattoo artist apprenticeship.

I guess that’s about it, besides work.


golfing is expensive but you just need your own clubs, then you just have to keep buying golf balls, cus you will lose a lot of em LOL -

Traxxas Ken Block car - looks vicious!!!

and yeah skating was one of my favorite things to do, but i guess i lost touch with most of my friends that skated, which is prob why i stopped but prob other reasons too , but i am still a fan of it!!! specially street skating, … growing up in DC, i use to watch a lot of guys try the famous GOLD RAIL in downtown… i remember the video “pack a lunch” back in 03-04 was huge for dc when it came out. by dc i mean Washing D.C.

I hate comcast, they are the only people around who have high speed internet lol coin collecting sounds cool, but do you design and make your own coins?

skill toys make yo-yos too right? i think i had one before.
I think i went camping once in west va, it was crazy.

bands are awesome, i started reading comics again when they restarted spiderman, i think its called Brand New Day, and then stopped after a month, i still have them… ill go to back to the store to sell em one day lol and i never been paint balling but i got shot with one and it hurts!!! :smiley:

damn i forgot to mention COD, how can i forget that lol … i have all of them for PS3 add me if you guys play sn : NIVO, but i have to start everything over cus my old ps3 froze and i sent it back to get a new one and lost all my data :frowning:

but yeah i am addicting to cod, guess i am just waiting for MW3 , and yeah the first one is the best but i like black ops, its def better then MW2 .

side note:

i gotta figure out how to quote people, i know i can quote one person but don’t know how to quote multiple lol , (n00b) ;D

Never heard of it, but i’ll def check it out if I can find it.

golfing isn’t expensive because of lost balls. you don’t really lose that many when you’re on the links, and they’re not that expensive for a case of 4 sleeves. usually 40 bucks tops, and that’s for good balls.
The real expensive part is just playing the courses. For a cheap course (cheap price, and pretty poor quality) it’s usually around 20 bucks for 18 holes.
For a really nice course, it can be $100+ (cough pebbles beach $500 + cart fees cough). or for country club courses, it’s generally around $30,000 a year to be a club member.
The clubs are pretty expensive too, but you can sometimes find deals. Like I got a $700 set of clubs for $200 on black friday :slight_smile:
but really just playing in general is what racks up the highest cost.

I brew beer (partial mash), love cooking & trying new things in the kitchen and have just started a veggie patch - so you could add gardening to my hobbies (I love watching things grow).

I work at a craft studio, so “work” could mean teaching crafts, doing mosaic, sculpting, painting, wirework, etc. I wouldn’t really call these hobbies, but it sure beats an office job.

Same thing with paintball. My gun is around $200 + $130 hopper + $60 HPA tank.+ mask, padding, jersey and paintballs can be bloody expensive… $80 - $170 for a case of 2000

My buddys gun is $600 + $200 hopper + $160 HPA tank.

what kind of paint are you using? whenever I go, I just get the cheap crap at sports authority for like 30-40 bucks for 2000.
Not as good as some balls, but they get the job done. still manage to get a couple guys out with my crappy paint. lol
and yeah, I think I spent around… $400-500 for my current set up. mask and everything included.

Airsoft is one of them. I do it every once in a while. It’s quite fun. =D

My gun. C=

I’ve skated for probably 7-8 years now, bodyboarding when the weather permits, cod(WAW’s my favorite), and playing the drums.

We use Tournament grade. It flies straight, and consistent. Once you use good paint, you can’t go back to cheap. I used to use the cheap stuff all the time.

Snow skiing is my favorite activity hands down!
xcountry mountain biking.
Grab the body armor and down hill mountain bike. Still seems with all the gear the bike should have an engine!

The way you do it (At least the way I do it…) is quote someone or click the “Reply” button then scroll down to the point where you can see the posts you want to quote and click the “Insert Quote” button on all the posts you wanted to quote.(This is all in one tab.)

Hope this helps. :slight_smile:

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In addition to yoying I play piano, pen spin, and I do some origami. Alot of stuff that uses my hands.

@stephosh - yeah it was a long time ago like 2004 or 2003 here a link to a clip from that video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCp6ouqnw_I

@dynikus - yup right on point lol , freaking green fees with a cart kills you!! what kind of clubs you get? my wife just got me some Callaway Diablo Edge :slight_smile: helped my iron play but i need to work on my short game, specially putting <-- high handicap nightmare.

@frodoslair - you have a pretty cool job!

@Saskabilly_Psychos - i didn’t know paint balling was that expensive… wow

@Trace - sweet!!, and thanks for your hint lol i have to use it next time!

@papaYOYO - I don’t know why but a lot of people didn’t like World at War, i liked it a lot!!

@skitrz - oh yeah mountain biking is a lot fun, i forgot about my GT, i busted my Ass a lot on rocks and jumps lol

@Slade Riggs - origami, just made me think of this game for ps3 called - Heavy Rain, awesome game about an origami killer.

@popdada - sweet video!! man now i want one lol