golfing is expensive but you just need your own clubs, then you just have to keep buying golf balls, cus you will lose a lot of em LOL -
Traxxas Ken Block car - looks vicious!!!
and yeah skating was one of my favorite things to do, but i guess i lost touch with most of my friends that skated, which is prob why i stopped but prob other reasons too , but i am still a fan of it!!! specially street skating, … growing up in DC, i use to watch a lot of guys try the famous GOLD RAIL in downtown… i remember the video “pack a lunch” back in 03-04 was huge for dc when it came out. by dc i mean Washing D.C.
I hate comcast, they are the only people around who have high speed internet lol coin collecting sounds cool, but do you design and make your own coins?
skill toys make yo-yos too right? i think i had one before.
I think i went camping once in west va, it was crazy.
bands are awesome, i started reading comics again when they restarted spiderman, i think its called Brand New Day, and then stopped after a month, i still have them… ill go to back to the store to sell em one day lol and i never been paint balling but i got shot with one and it hurts!!! 
damn i forgot to mention COD, how can i forget that lol … i have all of them for PS3 add me if you guys play sn : NIVO, but i have to start everything over cus my old ps3 froze and i sent it back to get a new one and lost all my data 
but yeah i am addicting to cod, guess i am just waiting for MW3 , and yeah the first one is the best but i like black ops, its def better then MW2 .
side note:
i gotta figure out how to quote people, i know i can quote one person but don’t know how to quote multiple lol , (n00b) ;D