Other hobbies, passions, interests?

Woodworking, and longboarding.
And here

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I am a video game and board game enthusiast. I also spend most of my time writing software and getting better at writing software. I noticed computer science is mentioned more than once in the above comments, and I noticed a couple of the other guys in the local yoyo club also work in the field. I’m wondering what the Venn diagram of IT/DBA/Engineers vs. throwers looks like, and if there is a reason for the potentially large overlap or if it is just a coincidence.


I’ve tried to make a video game before with no success.

Nice looking work @smileypants707. I like the plane in the first pic. What size is it, Stanley or Bailey? I’m a very casual collector and restorer.


I work away from home so i have been keeping mostly to throwing. Real easy to keep a couple yoyos in my bag. I have always been into art, mostly pen drawing. I also have been a pretty avid kayak fisherman for about 18 years.

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Thank you!

It’s a pretty old Stanley no.7. I’ve been collecting planes and restoring them for a couple of years now, I actually found this one at a second hand store buried underneath a display cabinet.

It’s got a low knob, and very minimal markings. I looked it up on the Stanley history line and dated it to like the early 1900s late 1800s, but I don’t remember the exact date. It’s a really handy jointer, and I’ve got it tuned up nicely.

Do you do any actual woodworking? Or do you just collect and restore old tools. Shot in the dark, do you know about Paul Sellers?

I’ve gotten into a lot of different hobbies throughout my life, pool, bowling, ping pong, tennis, basketball, juggling, Kendama, competitive typing, finger boarding, skateboarding, TCGs, etc.

Pool, tennis, and bowling are probably the ones I’ve stuck with the longest

I’m the President of the Billiards Club at my university and I was also captain and #1 of my HS tennis team.

I wasn’t really involved in anything with bowling but I went a lot, my game high is 237 and my series high was somewhere around 550


I used to do a lot of woodworking, but it’s tapered off. Made the bathroom cabinets and vanity as well as other misc. stuff. I have an older Stanley 6 and 7, and a Bailey 5c, as well as more recent vintage Stanley 4 and 5 planes. Love working with a well tuned plane. I’ve been known to just plane a board for the fun of it at times. Almost as relaxing as throwing loops.

Don’t know about Paul Sellers. Used to subscribe to Fine Woodworking and such but have gotten away from the pubs etc.


I recently started getting into sport lock-picking. One of my co-workers bought a clear lock + basic lock picking set so it’s been a fiddly thing to practice on when we’re not yo-yoing.


Ive recently started giving a hand at becoming a Cardist. Fancy cuts, flourishes, and manipulations that scream magic.

Cardistry is fun! :smiley:


I’ve been surfing for decades, mountain biking for about the same as well, fly 3d rc helicopters, house remodeling, and now yoyo string making. I fix cars for a living and love to customize mine whatever one it is at the time.


Playing drums, drawing, photography, and cooking would be my main hobbies. I also enjoy a good book (I do a lot of audio books as I can listen to them at work) and play the occasional video game. Lastly, traveling with my girlfriend or even just hanging out at home with our cat is probably my favorite thing to do, but not really a hobby lol.



when I am not yo-yoing or going to school, I play field-hockey
you guys should check it out it’s pretty cool :wink:
BTW I’m the guy in the front with the blue stick and red shoes


Awesome! I’ve always wanted to play field hockey.

I used to own a magic store. I’ve been an amateur close up guy most of my life. Look up Lennert Green’s top shot. Very cool card move.


I used to play field hockey in middle school, I even scored a goal once!


I love card stuff. I was a magician for a few years before getting into yoyos. Big fan of Dan and Dave Buck for flourishes that translate well to close up. I used to do a many staged ambitious card routine with parts I learned from Jim Snack. Keeps the hands busy, scratches the incremental improvement itch. Very fun.


Woodworking, chess, cycling, clash of clans, video games in general.

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Other than throwing and making yoyos I listen and read a lot about Christian apologetics, theology and the Bible.


Woah, me too. I work by myself most of the time, so I’ve really been enjoying listening to Christian podcasts. Have you heard of dr. Michael Heiser by chance?