Crashed hard on marble
How could this happen to me

Had something similar happen with a brand new limited edition Vulture. Was not a great day and I’m sorry for your loss
I feel your pain, after years of yoyoing this still happens sometimes. As long as you’re learning new tricks and doing riskier moves it’s more likely you’ll smack your yo-yo. But there’s a silver lining… now you can love it even harder! Some of my favorite yo-yos are BEAT and I still love them!
The yoyo is now completely useless. Throw it away.
Seriously though. If it was a good yoyo before that, it still is. Throw it and be happy
oh no your resale value ;-;
I know this pain, especially when its one of your faves, hurts but ends up getting more use
This is my Durendal which had some dates with the concrete and apparently they liked each other a lot
It was immaculate before a full day of filming a full edit video, it hurts I know but them are made to be loved!
Uh…… let me guess>
You were playing over marble?
Floor of my house is composed with marble
Option #1 Well, unless the walls are made of marble, just throw Horizontal.
Option #2 Buy a Yoga Mat. Maybe 6 feet by three feet and 1/4 inch thick dense neoprene.
Roll it up when you are not using it and put it under your bed or in a closet.
I’m waiting for the first person who snagged that white One Drop to show up here.
Literally just last night. It would happen to one of my more expensive throws too. (I normally don’t drop 100+ on a throw unless I absolutely gotta have it) Why do bad things happen to good people lmao
Also shoutout to Ernie for making such badass throws (no pun intended lol) that hold up cuz it hit the tile HARD on the edge. Thought for sure the SS ring was gonna be messed up. Still plays as smooth and nice as it did day 1
Why would that show up here?
Wouldn’t it show up in the Gladdest moments?
No matter I guess. Because it could be the Saddest moment for not buying about 5 of them or something?
Had this happen fairly early into Fixed Axle February. It’s not the worst ding but it added quite a bit more vibe and reduced the spin time. Learned a valuable lesson though, throwing over a yoga mat doesn’t help when I smack it into the desk in front of me.
Have you tried completely disassembling and swapping parts around between halves? I do that whenever a Side Effect throw gets a little south of smooth. Usually works pretty well!
Yep, not much luck tuning it out yet but I plan to keep trying. I think I will eventually find that sweet spot with noticeable improvement.
Happened on day 2 of ownership.
Granted, I only started yoyoing last month. I’ve been using plastic yoyos but really wanted to try something new and then this was announced. When it happened I was pretty annoyed with myself, but then I remembered that 1) it’s a toy and 2) it’s something I bought to use, and 3) it’s only a superficial scratch which won’t impact its playability.
My primary hobby is record collecting and I’ve absolutely damaged some records to the point that they’ve lost most of their value and/or they can’t be played without audible defect. It drives me absolutely nuts, but it’s a risk that comes with the territory. It’s a fine line between wanting to keep something in pristine condition and also enjoying it beyond simply owning it. The yoyo I’m chucking at the ground, so I expect to damage basically any yoyo I use at this point
Sorry to see that but you could not have done better for your first metal. Agree you should use what you have. I see this with guitars all the time, I use everything fully but try my best not to damage it. I’m not going to leave something for someone in the future to enjoy. I’m enjoying it now and they can enjoy it when I’m gone.
Lol. Just bought my first Mercedes, but I totaled it because I have no experience driving.
Should have bought an old Kia and learned to drive well in that first.
Lol. I have extremely low sympathy for those who ding their yoyos. The thing still works and resale should not even be considered when you buy any yoyo. You buy them to play.