One Drop YoYos Official News

I think they are talking with a new anodizer that can do more custom work like fades and splashes. Hopefully things work out with them. I miss some of the cool color combos they used to have.


Seems like this would be another candidate for an in demand re-run. Rev 1 as well.


In demand because that dude bought them all!


Perspective pics on Flickr: Perspective | Flickr

And IG: One Drop Yo-Yos on Instagram: "It's time for a little Perspective. This is the new signature yo-yo for long time team player Jordan Hacherl. Full announement next week. #madeinhouse"



Even the cups are different!

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Also no SE’s (don’t know why but I was expecting them)



Do I need to hit them up for a half swap :face_with_monocle: :laughing:

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Half swap requests will have to be more specific than usual.

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Perspective release announced on IG

“Shawn and I sat down and meticulously went over the design, ensuring that the halves would balance at the same center point, that weight would be distributed similarly across the separate designs, and that the width and diameter would be aligned. This ensures Perspective is extremely smooth, does not precess, and maintains balance and harmony out of the visual contrast.”

11am Pacific on 7/5


What causes precess?

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No idea about the physics, but my cursory understanding is that all yo-yos precess – it’s just a feature of spinning objects.

As such, this yo-yo probably does it too. However, it was theorized that the mismatched halves would make this design precess more than usual. I’d guess that the point here is that this isn’t actually a particular issue for this design.


The physics definition (at least the couple I found) seem to describe something different:

“The motion of a spinning body, such as a top, gyroscope, or planet, in which it wobbles so that the axis of rotation sweeps out a cone.”

In the case of yoyo, it seems like the axis of rotation is sweeping out a disc. At first thought it seems like more friction on one half vs the other would cause it, but I’m not sure.


correct. it doesn’t precess any extra compared to usual.


I’ve seen similar, but then there are torque-free and torque neglected precession, plus Newton and Einstein may have different things to say (all according to Wikipedia).

Plus the way that yo-yos are two halves spinning on a bearing that is suspended could have implications to comparisons to other types of tops(?)

This could further muddy the issue, because crooked throws and flat bearings are occasionally associated with precession, but that could be a coincidental effect that matches precession, but it caused by a different phenomena. I can imagine the significantly weight mismatched yo-yos would be extra susceptible.

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David i know that i am the past but i wanted to let you know that i will be finding a way to get a yoyo that i feel well bring chopsticks in my home yoyo battle.
Its been with my general yo and the cafe racer congrats i will and see American vs Japan i have my worlds soon. Yay i still have it if you recall the colorway maybe you remember i would only have one drop but general yo came to stay… So please forgive me but i love you all i adding to family soon as can.

I forgot how to link you to room fastest way to say yes look forward to your new release.


post script using tablet not same with phone to edit pics please excuse me.

Anyone with a scale mind posting the weight of the brass micro caps? Or maybe @da5id can answer?

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Guess they added it since I last checked. Thanks!

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Yeah, They added them recently in the last couple months.

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