One Drop Flat Bearings Are Outdated: Change My Mind

Yeah I don’t disagree with that sentiment at all. I can just be pedantic and was focusing on the use of the word performance. I definitely agree people yo-yo for different reasons and what suits those reasons the best might not be the best technically.

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@codinghorror hooked me up with my first OD yoyo. It was my 2nd quality yoyo at the time. I had no idea what it was at the time. It wasn’t until I looked at the bearing that I know it was a OD. The only thing I knew about them at the time was that they had flat bearings! So I think it really does make for quite a signature for them! Plus the od flat bearings really are smoooooth! I still use it to this day!


For me, playing yoyo is like going out to Watkins Glen, alone, to practice racecraft. It is not like driving around town doing errands. I have little to no use for a Beetle-type yoyo. And, to continue the analogy, while I will never compete in a professional race, I still want to be taking the track in a Ferrari, not a Volkswagon. That’s why for me, performance = fun. Or to put it another way, lack of performance = not fun.

Please understand that I’m not saying my perspective is more correct than any other, only that it exists and can’t be dismissed out of hand simply because it might be a minority perspective.


You want to know what is outdated? This thread. This thread is outdated.

Change my mind :joy:


That’s perfectly fine! You do you!

What if you wanted to slide around in the mud though, or go off-road? You’d do better in something with a lot less “performance”, but if it was your thing, you’d have every bit as much fun!

People are talking… Personally i’m having a good time!


In circles :joy:


I don’t like flat bearings and think they’ re outdated.
That OD keeps putting flat bearings even in their performance/competition oriented throws makes no sense to me and is actually the reason I stopped buying more OD throws.

Which is perfect for yoyos! :crazy_face::rofl:

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OK @Aaron, maybe you’re right…

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This thread has kind of turned into an unnecessary flat vs centering thread. OD can put what they want in their yoyos, and you can buy it and swap if you don’t like it
Can we close the thread? (@codinghorror, @vegabomb or any other mods)


Well, they can. But it makes no sense at all to put a flat bearing on a perfonmance oriented throw xD

I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it.

Though to be honest, I do have a tendency to stock up on yoyos of different kinds just in the event I find myself itching to have a different yoyoing experience. It’s just that the few times I tried something really different I wasn’t satisfied by the experience, so I put those throws aside and said to myself, “Maybe some other time.”

Actually for years, I was the same way. I think it was the Gauntlet; which was my first OD, that got me to appreciate flat bearings. When I got it, I almost immediately swapped out the bearing for a centering one. Then, I just thought I wanted to give the yoyo a chance setup as it came from the manufacturer.

Now sometimes, in some yoys, I like flat bearings! Maybe one day you will too…

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Hey man what’s up? Thread didn’t do anything to you. Thread still active. Im proud of the lil thread, it grew. Now you wanna kill it. Why?

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Sorry man, not saying it’s a bad thread
Just noticed the thread is 2 years old, and pretty much any possible stance on this issue has already been stated.

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We make it so it’s easy to replace the bearing and you can put exactly the one you want in there. Seems like a strange reason to not buy a yoyo that you think you might like.


If by “strange” you mean “ridiculous” then I wholly agree. :slight_smile:


Uh no this is incorrect. You may want to look again.

Reasonable people can disagree about things in a reasonable way. I don’t see the problem.


Indeed. One Drop yoyos are just too bloody good to pass up just because of the stock bearing. I mean, the amazing flow groove pads alone are more than enough compensation for a bearing I don’t care for.

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I just want to repeat that I’ve never owned a OneDrop for some reason. I was super hyped on the first Project but that was at a time when I was still in school and didn’t have a regular income.

I’ll probably get one at some point but I have other goals first and there isn’t one that really grabs my attention at the moment. The Kuntosh 5000 looks really cool and I like the inner ring of the Legendary Terrarian but not the super wide rims that take up most of the yo-yo.

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