One Drop bimetal discussion - merged

One Drop.

His shirt says cascaders

I thought it might be the collab

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maybe it a benchmark V with some different side effects in it.

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Definitely not.

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Maybe it’s all just our imagination.


Actually false. That is definitely the newest innovation in kendama. Several boutique Swiss companies have also dabbled with this idea, but it seems as if one drop will be the first to successfully complete the concept. You see, it is round, with no holes, or spikes. And the rims, they’re plutonium. Yeah, let that sink in. It allows for a superior weight distribution that allows the kendama to spin for, theoretically, forever. It is not currently known why this would be needed in a toy that doesn’t normally spin, but trust me, once you try it, you will puke your guts out, literally. That’s how good it is. It will also retail for the ridiculously low price of 582345 payments of $19.95. But wait there’s more, if you call now on the toll free number we will throw in a barrel of radioactive waste ABSOLUTELY FREE?¥¥!!!11!! It also is made out of the rare Mexican pine birch tree bush. Also known as the most durable material on earth, bar none. Now you may be wondering, what is this mythical beast called. Well my answer to you is; in Oregon, USA you do not name Kendama, but Kendama names you. Therefore it is named, , and my new name is Roberto. However I have recently come into posset ion of a full warehouse of thes kendamas, so I’m giving them away for next to nothing. The only question left is, when will you buy yours???"???

FINE PRINT: This product is unavailable in all states of the United States of Murica except Texas, because everything is allowed in Texas. It is also forbidden by all governing bodies of the USA Russia, and pretty much every other country that has nuclear weapons powerful enough to kill me, therefore you may only purchase this product if you have been a permanent resident of Antarctica for over 35.67688997612482917281 years, and or are living on mars.
DISCLAIMER: this product will probably kill you,either from radioactivity, or through excessive AWESoMeNESs!!!

iit didnf werk i wants it moer floaty,.,"'&

8/8 it was gr8 m8

It worked really good. I loved it and I’m not just saying this because I’m the owner of the company and I want money.

The swifter sweeper really made a difference in the quality of life of me and my family!!


What the heck lol

True story.

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Maybe since the instagram vid says #cascaders, as does his shirt(in katakana “kasukeidasu”), we should call it the “Cascader” until we get a better name.

or if “cascaders” would get confused with “cascade”, we coul,d shorten it down to something like “scaders”. I just want us to call it by a name.

Is it me or does the polished metel part look too thin and narrow to be a bi-metal? To me,it looks more like they just polished the inside part of the rim to give it that effect for they hype.(I hope not though, a od bi-metel would be so sweet!)

Mr. Dang would never deceive us like that! :-X

I would think it would be the opposite. Because bi metal yoyos have a heavier metal on the rim it doesn’t need to be as thick as a regular ring.

Good find that man!

We have the image back from NASA and they’ve run it through their enhancement software:

Looks like more than a polished rim to me…

Thanks NASA! I honestly don’t even see how there could be discussion as to whether or not that is a bimetal any longer.

The shape they used looks Valor-y too. Excited.

Yeah, really can’t deny that looks much more like a separate weight ring than just a polished section.

To me it looks a bit more rounded on the rims than the Valor, which I like. Whatever it ends up being, it sure looks like one heck of a performance monster. Also looks pretty lightweight, which will be exciting…Draupnir challenger anybody???

Just more One Drop bimetal teasing.

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They teased the crap out of us with ss rings wonder if the throw gonna have the side effects system

If One Drop makes a 6061 bodied, SS ringed, and Side-Effect (7075) equipped throw shouldn’t we be calling it a trimetal? And would this be a first in the world of yoyos?