What monometal would you like to see as a bimetal?

I ask this question simply because personally I think it would be amazing if One Drop came out with a bimetal Legendary Terrarian. That yoyo was my first fully unresponsive throw. I love it due to how light it plays but I think that One Drop would have a true powerhouse if they made a bimetal version.

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A bimetal DV888 baby

For real Iā€™d like to see the plastic Grind Machine redesigned and made into a metal again, wider gap and the inner plastic rings to obviously be stainless.


Outer Rim (tone/toru styled fit) Emotion by Dressel


Inner rim Static Co. Wave.


Yomega Maverick.


That would be interesting. The Maverick is both such a classic and so chunky in play I really wonder what a bimetal would feel like


RCS Guitarist ā€¦ with.super chunky outer rims! None of that inner ring or outer strip elegant crap. Big. Chunky. Rims.


Honkinā€™ rims, perhaps?

A bimetal Atmos Fruitloop might be interesting, with that whole front face as steel.


M1 with tungsten rims.


Anything tungsten on a yoyo would be mind-bending with how dense that stuff is. Probably would be incredibly stable

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Is this because bi-metal is better?

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Not necessarily better 100% of the time. Definitely because itā€™s different.

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I pushed for ā€˜no metalā€™ for the same reason.


G2 hawk

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VTWO, Aitch, Kuntosh 5000QV, Top Deck.

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Personally, I wouldnā€™t want to see any mono metal as a bi-metal, for the simplest reason>

It would be a different yo-yo. So what would be the point?

It would change the character of the yo-yo, so you wouldnā€™t be just hot ridding the yo-yo. You would be creating a new yoyo.

And, if your reasoning to counter that would be, ā€˜But we would do everything in the design change to make the bi-metal perform very close to the mono version. < That would simply be a non justifiable waste of energy.

ā€¦I understand that it is also logical to consider the bi-metal upgrade would be a better performing yoyo.

But that being understood, a lot of people like mono metals because they can be a different challenge. And that challenge can be rewarding. Doing a long combo on a good number of mono metals can put you to more of a test, than a yo-yo that might spin up to twice as long.

Now, reverse the thought <<>> What bi-metal yo-yo would you like to see as a mono metal?

A mono metal Draupnir, perhaps? Should bring the price down, right?

My personal idea would be to wish the designers would just try to SQueeze as much performance as they can out of mono metals.

At one time I had both the Ultima and Fulvia bi-metals and also the Ultima and Fulvia mono metals.

I sold both the bi-metal versions because I actually prefer the mono metal versions. Go figureā€¦

As I have done over the years, my thoughts on the subject arenā€™t related necessarily as the best view.

I simply drew this alternate view to inspire additional thoughts on whether the subject question Carries enough momentum to make it relevant?

Which Volkswagen model would you like to see as a Porsche?

Some people still like VWsā€™ just the way they are, lolā€¦


Free Solo.

Could be called the Free Duo?


My neighbor and I both agree that the original and bi Civility are pretty different yoyos. Iā€™m guessing itā€™d be the same with any other yoyo.

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For me, that is the point ā€“ to make a yo-yo that combines something I like (the overall shape) with a feature that would alter the play characteristic in a way that I believe would be worth effort. I.e. to make a different really good yo-yo.

I donā€™t believe that a bimetal Wave would be ā€œbetterā€. For now, it is already the ultimate Wave. But I think that a yo-yo with the same shape but significantly more rim weight could also be great.

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