I just thought you should know, because I think you’d really enjoy it.
but look at that price tag.
But look at the yoyo!
i did.
Honestly i am shocked that there are 5 left. I am not saying this is a cheap price tag but i will say there are more expensive yoyos that are now sitting on my shelf that i pass over every night to grab the absurdity. 5 people should buy this yoyo today.
i honestly would… if i weren’t broke.
I feel the price is justified
Yeah guys this yoyo is fantastic, and I throw it almost every day for at least a little bit. Has a very special feel and there’s a crazy contrast to how light and agile but also stable and powerful it feels.
Not to chime in to simply conform but absurdity is my favorite OP yoyo. I go back to it frequently. Its got a nice light feel and its very stable.
I like my Absurdity so much I set a place for it at the dinner table.
14/10 doggo. The cutest. Would pet
One of my very favorite yoyos…
Uh, and I have a seriously large number of yoyos.
Great name, great color/finish and great playing yoyo.
5 left? That’s absurd!
I don’t know how I managed to miss a post with a picture containing a magnificent yoyo and an even more magnificent dog. If it is both Durf and Bandit approved, you know it is a winner.
Down to 3.
I was about to grab one but I was to slow. All that was left is pink.