The only true yoyos left in the world are pink.
One left. I was just regretting selling mine when I wanted to throw that light yet stable machine.
you should make the best yoyos in the world but Anodize then pink so everyone is forced to use pink if they want a great yoyo.
“Best” being subjective yet that is literally what he does.
well it depends, because everyone… i mean everyone… has a different definition of “best”. everyone will say “well this is the best yoyo” when someone else says “no this is”. so i’m implying Jordan should make a yoyo that forces everyone to say “it is the best yoyo”.
Yoyos being heavily preference based, I have no clue what your point is. But…good job?
Anyway. Back to Absurdity hype! One left. Dont miss out!
say Jordan makes a yoyo called the Hexagon… i don’t know why the Hexagon, it was the first thing that popped into my head lol… and the Hexagon is so darn good nobody can say “well this yoyo is better then the Hexagon” because the Hexagon is the best yoyo ever created, when right now everyone has a different opinion about what the best yoyo is.
so my point is, if you want an amazing yoyo, the best yoyo in the world you need to buy the Hexagon, but the Hexagon comes in pink only so it is forcing everyone to buy a pink yoyo to have the best yoyo in the world.
buy the Absurdity y’all, i hear it’s really amazing!
I needed to complete my OP collection so I snagged one a few days before the 20% off sale. Out of the 543, absurdity and polybius I’d have a very difficult time saying which one is best. Any given time my answer might be different.
If we’re talking all of Jordan’s throws then that one’s much easier for me, its the wanker. Even out of the various RSO, luftverks, vayder, tishee and other Ti that I’ve had there is some magic to that yoyo that is captivating. I can’t put my finger on why, its not the best in any one category, but when I pick it up and start playing it just flows and I stop thinking about anything else. It might be the very last yoyo I’d give up.
I love the shape, but hate the color.
Make one in black!
get the last one and get it re-Anodized.
pink only
All gone.
Glad I was able to get one. It’s an amazing yo-yo, and that pink is stunning in person. Pictures can’t quite capture it.
This is a good throw. I posted about it in another thread. I’m glad more people wil get to evaluate.
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