Old Folks Who Can Sort of Throw Battle 2013: VOTING NOW OPEN!

Oh… i thought it was your grandpa. lol

I love the idea of this thread and supporting old people who throw!  I am an upper 40’s dad who got into yoyoing to hang out with two sons who throw.  They are both much better than I am, but I still love it and carry a yoyo everywhere.  I threw together a quick video last night, and included 30 seconds of fooling around from the end of 2012.  Sadly, I don’t think I’ve improved since that time, and though I’ve been playing for around 3 years, I think I plateaued at around 1.5 years.  Anyway, since this is just for fun I am tossing in this vid and hoping others will do the same.

Oh, a quick shout out to Modman’s strings.  I am using them currently and really like them!

Uh, did I mention this was just a quick grab video and not a planned, practiced, perfected routine?  Remember the “sort of throw” qualifier!  :slight_smile:

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Haha! Looking forward to seeing it. :wink: Alas, it is “private” right now. There’s a YouTube option for setting it to “unlisted” so that only people with the link can see it, if that’s a happy middle ground for you. :smiley:

Whoops, dang newfangled technology.  :slight_smile:

Try it now:

@mannix: awesome! Looks like we gravitate towards a lot of the same elements. :wink: Nice work; thanks for sharing!

You have to get in it Waylon,  Greg and I both took part in your contest. :wink:

Great! Now I have to step up my game again.  A lot.

I’ll participate. This is too good an idea not to.

Does modman have a logo for his Unknown Strings he’d like us to use?

I figure this is less of a battle and more of a check in for us “old folks.” :slight_smile:

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Turning 26 this year but I have an old soul. Been throwing for a year and 3 months-ish. Not sure if I qualify but I’ll post a video anyway.


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Well Greg is paying for the strings except for the winners additional pack, but if you want to here it is.


Nice logo.

Very cool.

This is so cool - it really is a thread of love :slight_smile: And I can’t wait to see some of these guys throw. I make sure I watch the snippets that GregP puts up, and all the Stuff YoRed does, but I can’t wait to watch Yuki, Waylon, yooldman and you other guys throw. So many people in this thread are those whose posts I enjoy reading, and who offer sound advice so I can’t wait to see what you can do! Mannix’s was already a little treat, lovely flow!

I agree. And yes, Mannix’s video was very nice!

Lots of love, indeed! I think I can speak for yooldman as well when I say that I’m surprised and quite happy about how much attention this idea seems to be getting! Looking forward to keeping this rolling; hopefully even as the thread slowly loses “daily” momentum, it’s in the back of people’s minds for when the videos get posted. :smiley:

Yuki, if YOU feel you qualify, then you do! I’d be happy to see your video entered. Slowyojoe, you have until the end of the month to decide if you’re an in-betweener or if the extra month of age has qualified you. :wink:

Thanks for the compliments guys. I am confident there will be lots of awesome videos to come from the rest of you. :slight_smile:

If 31 is old enough? I might get something together :smiley:

Sounds like you’re qualifying yourself into the contest to me. :wink: Go for it!

Hmmmmm… Do you have a limp? Some part of you that aches in damp weather? An old football injury you can talk about?

These are the questions you need to ask yourself before entering. :wink:

For me, it’s my back. It’s a wreck.