Official skateboard thread of YYE

Skateboard wise:

I prefer thunder or destructo trucks.
And spitfire fourmula four wheels!

So I found the problem with my ollies. Im not jumping, the most obvious thing about it :|. Its been raining so I canā€™t skate :(.

I feel like it would be really fun to put together a board from scratch. Especially the grip tape.
Do you guys watch any YouTube skate videos? I watch braille,rat vision skate tech (great helpful channel), Andrew Schrock, and Christopher chann. My favorites are Chris chann and braille, I love Aaron kyro.

Grip tape it the hard part :slight_smile:
I love Braille! Have you seen these movies?:
Bones brigade
Dog town and Z-boys
The search for animal chin

All top tier flicks!

I saw bones brigade about a week ago actually!

Alright guys, the board might be delayed, the tooHOT is coming out.

I can ollie and manual, but not too well. I can get the board to flip for a kickflip, but I canā€™t land it. Iā€™m getting into longboarding. An earthwing supermodel is coming in the mail. Canā€™t wait!

Not including bones brigade, whatā€™s the best skate movie on Netflix? I know they have the dogtown Z- boys or whatever its called.

Dotown and Z-Boys is likely the all time best skate movie

Used to love skateboarding, but as I got older I got sick of constantly getting injured. I do miss it at times though.

Building a deck from the board up is so fulfilling. Custom grip taping it yourself, customs hardware, picking your trucks and wheelsā€¦ Itā€™s like having your own child by the end of it. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I got skate 3 after playing the demo and skating around a gazillion times. I think im gonn aplay this a lot, but my mom always says ā€œjust like every other game, ill find it in your room after 10 days!ā€ even though every game I own Iā€™ve play over a year of:|
Anyway, I feel like im not improving at all with skatingā€¦ I canā€™t get my back foot up and donā€™t know what to do to help itā€¦

Ehh, I liked bones a little bit betterā€¦

How I learned it was to slam your back foot down and then immediately jump as high as you can off of it. Donā€™t know if that will help you, but did the trick for me

ive got a Landyachtz Tomahawk, Stella Bamboo, Creature Wrench. All, but the tomahawk, are for sale or trade.

I got my first good longboard in the mail recently.

Earthwing Supermodel 41"
Paris 180s
old bearings and wheels
minilogo grip tape

Gripped it myself. Pretty happy with it so far.

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That looks sweet man, it looks about ready for a ride!

Looks pretty sick! I used to prefer Randal IIs but after a while I started using nothing but Parisā€™ I guess they felt ā€˜tighterā€™ kind of? Less room to wiggle between the hanger and bushing maybe? Iā€™m not sure anymore, Randals just donā€™t feel right anymore :stuck_out_tongue:

I want to learn how to slide on it, but havenā€™t got around to it yet. Eventually if I get enough money, I would like to put some 78a Flashbacks on it, and maybe try some caliber trucks.

Getting an Earthwing was a smart move, same with the Paris 180ā€™s