Next Purchases

Alrighty, this is where you post your next purchases (that you know of). Say when, what, and from where.

For me (and this is definitely liable to change), is the CZM84VK and SuperNova on Black Friday from YYE.

What about you guys(/girls)?

My next purchase will definitely be a Duncan Strix (Gold). But I can’t mention other online stores…so I can’t tell you where I am going to get it for only $42!

My will either be a general yo prestige or one drop format c cause thats whats looking interesting now.

Okay, then. PM me and tell me where. ;D

I want a CLYW bad I’m deciding betweent the Summit or the Artic Circle. I’ll definitely get one of those on black friday, and where else than YYE! ;D lol

What- Hopefully a C3 Mo-vitation

Where- probably a forum member here

When- I dont know… It could be now :wink: BRING ME MOVITATION PLEASE :smiley:

I’m going to be buying an Overdrive. Been eyeing that throw for too long…

I am grabbing a c3 speedaholic, as well as some strings this week, and then a yeti ASAP (a gift card from my birthday two days ago made this possible).

As soon as I come across some disposable income I"m going to try and find a Spyy Punchline (maybe from a forum member who has one and willing to sell). The hard part is going to be finding someone who wouldn’t mind losing theirs in return for some cash

I have to buy a few more H.O.T.s, another Ricochet, and hopefully things work out to get a Dazzler. It would be great, if I could find a mint blue blizzard Avalanche. I just have my eye on those throws, for now.

I have a question. What do you do for a living?

I’m getting a really good plastic, I haven’t decided which one, a one drop Burnside, and a Dark Magic 2, and also from YYE.


I have an answer…but not the one you wanted. I don’t take offense to your inquiry, but I consider that a personal question. I have two degrees, I am gainfully employed, and I make enough money to afford yo-yos. :slight_smile:

If there is some specific reason you want to know, I might provide more detail to satisfy your curiosity. But, I think the above sums it up. :slight_smile: Thanks for asking.

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^^^ HAHA That was funny!!!

My next yoyo buys are:

Gnarwhal 2
Purple Yeti

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^ Hmmm, I will likely pass on all of those. I think I’m slowing down.



It’s fine. Just making a joke :slight_smile:

Ok here are orders I have in the works as soon as my doggy get bill is paid off.

Quake in buried treasure
Recrev in green/black fade
Prestige in purple sage
Hi^5 chief
And a hi^5
Clear rally
Catch 22
Any mint GenYo in wooden box (maybe a few styles of both the blonde wood and the rare black walnut).
Glacier express
Two collab holsters
TotalArtist holster or three
Jokers wild summit

And a few others that just are on my memory right now

I really want a CLYW hat but I cannot bring myself to spend the 42.50 on one :confused:

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I may snatch up a speedaholic and then be done for a while. Although I am also eyeing one of those New-Era Duncan hats, my Element New Era hat is about 6 years old now so I am in the market for some new head wear.

I honestly don’t know what my next purchase will be. It depends on how you want to define a few things.

Right now, I’m in the typical “client late with the check” pattern. If I get the check, one of the first things I’m doing is settling up with a store for two items they are holding for me, then they’ll ship all the stuff I’ve previously paid for, plus those two items, plus a hard drive, since I’m doing a video transfer for the guy. It wont’ arrive in time for Nationals. I’m not concerned.

The next, if I can swing it(if that check arrives), I’ve got a used Gelada in mint condition I’m gonna spring for. No way this will arrive in time for Nationals.

At Nationals, I gotta clear up a purchase with a vendor there, plus get some new goodies. That my be the next purchase. There was an inventory glitch, so an item I wanted was not actually in stock, so I have a credit at the moment, which has been reduced by tossing an item into that order. So, I still have credit, so I’ll use that towards one item, plus I may purchase a few other items. I actually requested the initial order to be held in the first place as I new a new item was coming so why make 2 shipments? With the unexpected change, I decided “hey, you know, I really don’t need any of this right this second anyways, so could I just pick it up at Nationals?” and the answer was “you bet”.

Concentrating on stuff I want to get at Nationals only:
General Yo Prestige, B-grade only. Maybe 2 if I can afford it. I think my boy deserves a General Yo, although oddly enough, those are ones in my case he never touches.
Clear Rally. 2 if I can, one for me, one for my kid. His first One Drop.(If I can, I’m gonna see about getting him a Gnarwal for Christmas)

If I can afford to do so:
C3 Speedaholic, 1 of each color, but 2 in blue, as one is for my kid. He chose blue. If I’m short on funds, I’ll just get my kid a blue one for the time being.

Duncan Strix would be lowest on my priority list for Nationals. I mean, I could just wait it out and get it at YYE later on.

If YYE has a booth, I’m stopping by. Not sure if I’m getting anything, I don’t want to play politics, but hey, if the price is right and I have cash, who knows…

Most of my other wants are more “common” items, so nothing I need to worry about getting “right this second”. Anything else are new items not yet released or in production, or items that have not shipped yet to retailers for resale.

So, I have stuff queued to be paid off, a BST to finish, a credit to use up, and then flat out purchases. I’m not trying to complicate things.