new yoyofactory fundametal

cookie jacks
Indeed. People really do need to stop assuming that just because experts are experts, they have changed. They are still the same olā€™ person!

Thanks looks delicious.

Boy lets hope andre doesnt see this he would be very mad because he is BIG on the friendly to everyone rule.

Hey, broā€¦

There will be kids on this forum. GET OVER IT!

Also we have rulesā€¦

Use good grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

Donā€™t put down others.

Anyhow, this just seems like one huge misunderstanding, so letā€™s just drop all this, okay?

Also, what exactly is the ā€œjokeā€ you mentioned? Because on the seriousness comment, I wasnā€™t talking about your ā€œnever say neverā€ thing.

Sorry, forgot to add a smiley.

Me tooā€¦ :-\

Phew, Iā€™m glad we got this figured out. :slight_smile:

wow :o

Donā€™t smileys just make everything better :wink:
(Comedic Relief)

I guess soā€¦ :smiley:

Except Lasagnaā€¦ kinda hard to improve perfection. lol j/k

watches the clock count down till lunch time