1: don’t use phone as much
2: practice more for Virginia states
3: sleep more
4: get better at school
So glad you made this thread.
I’ll definitely steal number one. I’d love to get off the phone as much, and the screen in general (TV, etc …)
It will force me to either stare at the wall, or use my time towards something productive.
Yoyo more.
Read more.
Stare at the rest of my family on their phones in hopes that they also set it down and we communicate more, maybe even break out some board games
#1: Follow hapiness.
#1: Love over everything.
#1: Feel.
It’s always the same for me, every year.
It’s hard to do.
i try to set smaller more attainable incremental goals many times throughout the year rather than trying to one shot stuff once a year
Agree. I always come back to the principal of Wu-Wei: Going with the flow of your heart.
(I know in Taosim, ther are many ideas about Wu-Wei. This one is mine.)
- Start hitting more clean at contests and practicing more
- stop buying yoyos that i dont even know what they are
- focusing more on learning than looking at other people yoyoing wishing i was as good as them
- get more than 80% on a math quiz (which has never happened
- gettimg my homework done
To actually learn a full combo including the ‘flairs’ that make it look cool and not just the mounts…
Lose 80ish pounds so I can be healthy and stay around for my kids sake.
This is why ur so much better than the group at yoyoing
full sentance
Honestly I have some yoyo related tasks this year that I would welcome feedback on if anyone has had any experience:
Grow the Cincinnati yoyo club more. We meet 2x a month and I love it, but right now it’s just like a couple of people. How could I grow this into something more? We would love to be at a point where we could host a contest but obviously that is still in the brainstorming stages for now.
Make a yoyo. There is this place about 15 minutes from where I live that sounds like a place to practice some shop skills and teach shop classes. They have classes but I don’t even really know how to ask them which classes would apply to making a yoyo. I have read the “how to run a boutique yoyo” book and it seems like it’s achievable. I guess maybe I have to take the jump and just do it? I don’t want to even really run a business, but just make something for a side gig that could be profitable in some small margin one day.
Make a video. For now I just post a random trick here or there on my Instagram. I love watching the 3 minute length YouTube videos showcasing cool players in cool locations. My talents with a yoyo are average but maybe it could be fun to make a cool video
That’s it for now. Expand the scene where I live, make a yoyo, and maybe make a video.
More school = less yoyo
More yoyo = less school
Less school = 80% on tests
Rock on brother
So I started my New Year’s resolution late last year, on January 10th. It was to not play video games for the entire year, and I’ve done good on that goal so far. This year I think I’ll do no videos. So more specifically no anime, tv episodes, movies, social media posts, etc. The only exceptions would be videos that I make as a content creator and other videos my fellow content creators make. This resolution will include yoyo videos so if I want to learn more tricks I will need to learn directly from people IRL at meetings or whatever, which will give me a good excuse to actually meet other throwers in person.
Do you know the “Intuitive eating”- Principle? Maybe something for you.
Cut back on phone usage
Cut back on substance use
Be more present with my family and in life
Come up with a routine to teach kids to YoYo at local library.
Lose weight
Save money
Learn black hops
Improve my head space
Like a guy once said to me: “It’s not much life, without your mind”.