New Years resolutions

My new year’s resolution for 2025 is to not have any new year’s resolutions.

Been NYR free since 2015


These were my resolutions from last year so I think it’s as good a time as ever to review the year first and then make resolutions.

  1. Gulf Coast Regional wasn’t held this year, but instead I competed in 4 different yoyo contests: UYYC, US Nationals, Worlds, and Ante II!
  2. Competed at worlds in 4a and didn’t get last somehow so we take those! Definitely was my best performance on stage this year after how rough Nats went.
  3. If you’ve followed the progress I’ve been posting on Instagram and YouTube y’all already know this year has been a huge year of growth for 4a and I’m honestly blown away. I never thought I’d actually learn Soloham or be able to do half the tricks I’ve learned this year, but it’s crazy what motivation, getting out of your own way and actually just going for it can do .
  4. I participated in 5a May a little bit but mostly just learned some new 5a tricks because it was fun at random times during the year :person_shrugging:
  5. Definitely spent a LOT of time throwing but I still want to work more on yoyoing and the creative aspect of it over just filling time being on my phone.
  6. Definitely made a TON of videos across YouTube and Instagram. Wish there was an easier way to figure out the stats for Instagram, but since I started making yoyo videos on YouTube in April of this year I’ve made a total of 350+ videos (which is actually ridiculous) including 50 Livestreams over the last 3 months, 2066 subscribers, and over 650k+ views on YouTube which is mind boggling! Thank you all for your support!
  7. Not on the list above but I did a month long challenge Soloham September to get better at soloham, and also learned Diablo Soloham this month live on stream (still have a long way to go with Diablo Soloham tricks but I figured out the basic rolls and the somersault).
  8. Not on the list but did 2 yoyo classes for kids at my church and plan to do another in January.
  9. Not on the list but did a yoyo and Poi performance for my work’s Chinese New Year celebration.

What a year man, it was BUSY. I’m starting to understand why I’m so tired now :sweat_smile:

Goals for next year?

  1. Keep streaming weekly and start multistreaming to twitch.
  2. Dive in to making longform YouTube videos. I keep putting obstacles in my own way for this, and I’ve got lots of ideas for longform videos so I want to give it a shot! Really hoping to monetize the channel soon :crossed_fingers:
  3. Make finals at the US National yoyo contest for 4A, and semi finals at worlds for 4A (big goals but aim big and if I don’t make it, either way it pushes me to be better. Who knows?).
  4. Take on more choir and singing gigs in my area while scaling back on the time I spend commuting to and from rehearsals (i.e. look for gigs and opportunities that are more local and don’t require 1.5-3 hrs of commuting for a single rehearsal/concert not counting the rehearsal/performing time like I’ve been doing. It’s exhausting even though I love the music).
  5. Spend less time on my phone and more time with my people I care about. Seems counterintuitive with the YouTube goals but I spend way more time on my phone being unproductive than I do on making content, so minimizing that excess fluff to spend more time with my wife, family and friends would be ideal.
  6. Prioritize spiritual, physical and mental health. I’ve been paying for it lately because I haven’t and I feel so much better when I take time away from screens to breathe, walk, exercise, and focus on my faith.

This list may change over time, but I feel like these goals are achievable and who knows? Maybe I’ll hit some of them, miss others, or do more in certain areas? Either way, the goals help provide direction and I’m excited to see how we can all grow together this year! Happy holidays y’all!


1 actually commit to TaW with my friends
2 get a gf

One of these is happening and the other never will


But which one?

What is “TaW with your friends”? And why will it not happen?

TAW = trick a week, and I think he means the second one will never happen :joy:


Really? But getting a girlfriend is just a matter of talking to a lot of girls/women. It’s literally a numbers game. At least if you want it by “brut-force-method”.

So instead of TAW, he should better MAGAD, Meet a Girl a Day.

Or am I off base? (No offense intended) :v:


Those females are pretty scary :saluting_face::saluting_face::saluting_face:


Haha yeah it was more of a joke, but yeah TaW is the trick a week thread, and the past two years I’ve said I’d do it but then stop after the thrid week :joy: so this year I’m doing it with some friends who aren’t here on the forum to make sure we do it ever week


bicyle 2000km over the year

be able to do 10 pullups

touch my toes

beat my personal best time on the Ard Rock Enduro mountain bike race

read more books


Yoyo related:

  1. Stop just learning tricks obsessively in order to cross them of my list and improve my flow.
  2. Become a sponsored player.
  3. Make my Instagram grow more.
  4. Make it to worlds 2025 in Prague.

Non yoyo related:

  1. Change job.
  2. Convince my wife to finally quit smoking.

Wow. I did not realize, that you are so serious about YoYo. More power to you!
… and your wife to quit smoking. :v:

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For the last two and a half years yoyo is myb main hobby. Ofc I play video games and I like animé but yoyo is my main thing. When I say make jt to worlds OBVIOUSLY I mean as a spectator. Haha.


I have updated some of my goals for the new year

  1. Learn at least 2 tricks a day
  2. make finals at a state contest
  3. Do TaW @HappyYoyoer
  4. Make a more competitive trickset

non yoyo related

  1. get better grades
  2. get to 1k subscribers (kinda yoyo related)

Stay sober.

That’s it.


i gave up social media. don’t know if that’s a forever thing, but if i do go back to it, i want to be more mindful and intentional and less compulsive about it. honestly i don’t think that’s in alignment with its design.

keep trying to eat ok and stay active.

read more.

keep yo-yoing a bit every day because it keeps me (somewhat) sane. if i get to may 22, i’ll be at 20 years of playing every dang day.


The only reason I started my Instagram was to connect with yoyoers, learn more about yoyos, follownews and yoyo releases and participate in giveaways.

Nothing about my personal life there. No photos, no nothing. Just yoyo content, yoyo people, yoyo,yoyo and then some yoyo.

Maybe that approach would suit you as well!

yeah, i think a lot of social media tends to distill to “competitive life”, either in the way we use it or the way we interpret it. it’s enough for me just to do things and let the moments pass without sharing them. the people who know me and care about me have ways to get in touch with me and connect. i don’t imagine the larger world misses me posting how fast my kid ran yesterday, what i happen to have in my pockets today, or my family’s last trip to disney.

but actually, i’ve found the yo-yo component one of the main areas of compulsion. i’ll have a fun idea, and it’s like if i don’t get it “out there” it doesn’t “count” somehow. it’s ridiculous because where is “out there” and what could it possibly “count” toward. likes? followers? the perception of a “staked claim” or perceived relevancy? it’s an illusion. i’ve spent a lot of years expressing the belief that playing in the present and seeking the state of yo IS the end in itself. if i catch myself clicking on insta without even noticing i’m doing it or posting a trick - even a cool one - JUST to have something to post… that is antithetic to the state i’m seeking.

just play, let it go, and don’t make it a thing.


You have a beautiful gift in your ability to write, and a huge talent that you put the work in with your yoyoing that many of us very much genuinely care to see. I’m not trying to sway you, but I do want you to know that what you have put out there has brought me great joy.


Well, here we go…

  1. Start filming tricks.
  2. Watch yo-yo less, play yo-yo more.
  3. Actually pick a song/tricks for my 6-month progress video in February.
  4. Get better at 0A and 5A.

Now for none yoyo related stuff…

  1. Start working out! Gotta bulk up these noodles!
  2. Learn to drive.