The New Year is coming!
New Year, New Goals, New Resolutions!
What is your New Year Resolution?
Mine is to make sure that I waste no time next year. I would spend all my time on productive acts, like on my studies, on yoyoing, and not lazing around while doing unproductive stuff.
I run a mile every day, but I started that like a week ago :-\
Sorry for going off topic, but can you rum 1 mile in 4 minutes? I heard of this record being broken, so I was just wondering…
-I want to have a better work ethic.
-Find another new hobby.
-(Still) Get straight A’s
-I’d also like to be less protective of my Yo-Yos.
Happy New Year!
Ha, no, I’m not a competitive runner or anything, I’m not even that fast, My last school mile time was like 7:42…
Also, what are the things you regretted doing/not doing in 2010?
For me, I regretted getting addicted to First-Person-Shooters for a period of time, and neglecting my studies. After that , I decided that I would never touch FPS games ever again…
Things I regretted not doing in 2010? Nothing.
New year resolutions? (yeah right)
- Get better in yoyoing
- Get a girl (that actually isn’t far away and will not be going far away soon)
- Get 70kg benchpress
- Get a bit more yoyos.
- Attend more yoyo contests. (that’s hard.)
1 resolution: live through this year too…
- Improve yoyoing
- Look better
- Pay more attention in school
1 min!!!
Keeping my grades up.
Get in shape for lacrosse and soccer in highschool.
Yoyo and have fun.
^You play lacrosse? Awesome!

1 resolution: live through this year too…
- Bring joy to other people and think of others first more
- Keep getting good grades
- Learn more awesome yo-yo tricks and get better
Those are the ones that come immediately to mind…
My resolution: I don’t bother, because I’d rather figure out what I could do better as I go.
My resolution: Not to have one.
1.Work Harder
2.Focus more
3.Practice more
4.Be more organized
1: Start Competing More
2: Start Making More Videos
3: Start a New Hobby (Like Contact Juggling or Spin Tops)
4: Start being More Athletic
5: Start being More of an Interesting Person
-Cody Wright
Its 2011!
It’s 1/1/11!
Oh, just wondering, how many of you here celebrate Chinese New Year?