NC States 2015

Hope it’s much warmer, or else my parents might not let me go ::slight_smile:

i mean… it IS inside…

I would guess icy roads would be the problem, but most of the snow is gone

NC + Any amount of snow= total shutdown.

No school for 4 days. That’s unreal. Like a small vacation for my mother. (teacher)

a snow flake can cause an economic collapse.

Hope to see some of you guys today at 1p in mooresville

I can’t come today, but I got my friend to come. If you see someone named Ecab that’s my friend :slight_smile:

Me and my friend Liam are going

How was it? :slight_smile:

super fun to hang out with everybody who made it! for future reference, the 4th sunday of each month we will be meeting at hobbytown in mooresville from 1-3p.

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My friend said it was great, :slight_smile:

yeah it was awesome, and ed gave away a yoyo if you could land a kickflip on it

So next sunday, the 22nd

My friend was the one who won the yoyo!

Yeah I remember! He was really good

Yeah, I envy him ::slight_smile:
We meet every monday at my ping pong club to exchange tricks and learn stuff. He brought his Summit, it was a beast yoyo. I like it so much, so smooth

Is it the pink/purple one? If so i tried it too. I loved it :slight_smile: unfortunately I have no money

Yep, the purple and pink one. It was the first CLYW I tried, smooth as butter. He also has a relative that owns a yoyo shop, so he already tried the CLYW Orca. He’s also got a horizon, which is also cool

Yeah him and this other dude were doing tricks with the shutter and his horizon. The one guy used my Advance Scout managed to break it in. Also the guy who was with your friend taught me some stuff and he was going to teach me this combo from the multifarious whip but we ran out of time. There was only one more guy there and he hung out in the corner and did really good 5a with his rapid. It was super fun :slight_smile: