Yeah. I bought 10 bearings to have a supply to keep her going forever.
They are identical to what’s on it.
you can upload it to and then share the link in here and it should become an embedded video
No. But it is available. I’m saying that I can’t even wind the string though. Bearing aside, I should have no problem having the pads bite the string to wind it up and they just don’t.
You’ll pry these things from my cold dead hands.
Seriously though. You feel that the alcohol made the pads slick?
I mean the bearings didn’t come dry. They have whatever grease or oil the manufacturer used in them.
If I were you I would clean the pads, replace the string, and put a fresh bearing in. If it’s the same issue then I guess you know it’s the pads. If it’s perfect again, put the old bearing in and see if it reverts back to unresponsive.
I’ve cleaned my pads with 99% alcohol a bunch, I’ve never had this be a problem.
I’ve done all this. So change the pads is where we find ourselves.
Aight cool if I was you, I would try to grease up the bearing more like maybe they didn’t get enough factory lube. I’ve accidentally flooded bearing in unresponsive yo-yos and made them responsive on accident in the past. I don’t know tho I’m new this is just my experience thus far but yah good luck seems like it’s too dry imo bc you tried everything else imo
Thats how i feel about mine. I wish you luck in getting them back to a good state. What lube are you putting in the bearing. I have been using brain lube (or superlube) on all my modern responsives after @bobafret hooked me up with some. Works like a dream. I’ve found thin lube isn’t heavy enough unless you really drown the bearing in the stuff which isn’t the goal. Thick lube or grease will work too.
Does anyone in this thread happen to know what the substitute pads are that fit the RBC? I’m referring to the pads used in the Origen.
they are cheap on yye not sure if you need to go with the origen ones which i don’t know if anyone sells directly
Red Blood Cell (RBC) Parts – YoYoExpert
Once i go through the ones i have with my rbc ill probably just flow the grooves with clear silicone myself.
Can you bind and get it to return? If so that should eliminate string and pads.
If it’s just not tug responsive any more I’d say lube the bearing I haven’t seen any mention of doing that. Brain lube or thick lube you can drop it on the side of a shielded bearing and it will seep in you don’t have to remove shields. Lube the heck out of it I like my responsive bearings FLOODED with Brain Lube. Don’t assume the stock bearing was lubed properly or even at all.
I actually run my bearing dry and get perfect response from the RBC. The manufacturers even mention this capability. I’m saying that I can’t even get the string to wind. The string just slips on the pads like they had hardened or something. But they still feel grippy to me. I just took it apart and wiped my finger really hard on the pad to convince myself it’s still grippy and it feels fine. Putting it back together just now I got it to throw just fine for a few minutes, then back to unresponsive. Very very strange. Going to try cleaning the pads one more time I think.
Okay. So I removed the bearing and spun it while on the removal tool a few good times and after that, handling the bearing made my fingers feel oily. So I feel like what happened is this. I cleaned this bearing in alcohol. The bearing has rubber seals and I didn’t get all of the alcohol out which had absorbed some lube that was in the bearing. When I throw the yo-yo, that oil is slinging out onto the pads. As I’m throwing it more it seems like I’m getting that all out and it’s improving. Moral of the story…make sure you get all of your cleaner out of your bearing or it’ll thin your lube and make a mess.
From the manufacturers description
“The result is a very reliably responsive yoyo, even with a dry bearing.”
You could always message or email mark (MK1) and/or glen (spinworthy) but I think anything they would tell you would be similar to what’s been stated in this thread… Both are usually more than happy to chat about yoyo stuff when they have time.
I’m just sharing my personal experience with the RBC mine is not sufficiently responsive for my taste without lube despite the description. Mine will go unresponsive as the lube wears out and when I add more Brain Lube it fixes it right up for me.
Just trying to help by sharing personal actual experience not start any arguments. It was free advice meant to be helpful take it for what you will.
Have a nice day! Sorry you are so frustrated by this.
Sometimes my replies can be a tad blunt. I apologize if I seemed argumentative. No negative feelings at all. Seriously though. The string won’t even wind. So it’s not just a matter of being less or unresponsive. I can wrap all of the string up in the yo-yo and then literally just grab it and pull it out. If I throw the yo-yo it just drops to the bottom of the string and doesn’t even spin.