Hi all; Day 6 of my YoYo adventure; Its very VERY hard! I cant believe how hard basic tricks are.
Also my middle finger is getting sore where the string is and its really hurting anyway around this? I put on a padded band aid and it seemed to help
Here are the tricks i know so far;
I see this site has tricks separated into different skill categories; are there any beginner tricks that I must know that are NOT listed on this site?
Im mainly talking about fundamental tricks that must be mastered to get to more intermediate tricks etc;
I just want to be a basic beginner and have fun not worried about getting good fast its fun new hobby for me…
I’m using a hornet; getting a ducan freehand 1 on thursday and guess im going for 0a-1a? Still not sure what the difference is between 0a and 1a;
I guess it sounds like I’m going for 1a responsive(duncan FH 1)…with a little bit of 2a looping(hornet)
Oh I’m going only responsive until I can master responsive then ill move to unresponsive… probably after a few years of playing responsive or do you recommend an unresponsive sooner if i can progress faster ? (a few months time?); Unresponsive looks scary and extremely difficult; I probably couldn’t even do a basic bind lol
; Im doing about 1 hr of practice a day…
Heres what im practicing so far; im brand new and terrible and these tricks are
-forward toss (mastered)
-inner loop(in progress)
-outer loop(in progress)
-rock the cradle(mastered)
-walk the dog(mastered)
-around the world(mastered)
-breakaway(w/trapeze){in progress…}
-gravity pull(mastered)
that’s all i know lol embarrassing… I know. So everyday so far ive just been looping like crazy.
is this site good enough to give me enough knowledge to get started with beginner tricks? or does anyone know any other resources for easy beginner tricks besides on this site and forum?
many thanks and appreciate it. Also Is the YoYo tricks app any good?