Most underrated and overrated yoyos.

Have you even tried the Ti Dream yet? It’s far from overrated.

i tried it it was good, too expensive

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Eh, idk. By jumping on the indiegogo, I think it was an absolute steal. At retail of $300, maybe a bit on the spendy side compared to other new titanium’s, but regardless, you’re not going to get titanium for much cheaper unless you’re buying used. Gotta pay to play if you want titanium, no way around that.

When I heard YYF was making a titanium I also thought it was going to be cheaper. I thought that was their goal. Let me end this thought by saying I have no idea what it costs to make something in China so let’s please not talk about China. Just thought that was the goal and that’s all.

Not using the term “over rated” in a negative sense but there’s a lot of hype behind the Shutter. I enjoy mine as well. Also have this feeling the Yeti will be overrated as much as I want one :slight_smile:

Under-rated? I never hear any talk about YYJ these days. I decided to take the chance and try one of their premium yoyos only to find out they’re actually quite nice! There’s also some One Drop models I never hear anyone talk about, as well as YYF goods (Too Hot, Czech Point…which I tend to favor even over the shutter :slight_smile: Sorry Shutter fans!)

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I wanna try a too hot really bad, the shape looks awesome. What YYJ did you try?

The shutter is really overrated. The shutter is also really good, but I feel like it’s just too popular. Throws (which I like more than the shutter for preference reasons) like the horizon, rally, Czechmate, and too hot don’t get enough attention IMO. The shutter has great aethetics though, I don’t think anyone can argue with me on that.
The shutter is also over-recommended. I’ve heard a few people say “Win worlds with it, then I’ll buy it.” Saying that just kind of encourages even more people to spring for the shutter immediately instead of looking at other yoyos too.

Agree or disagree?

When I bought my Shutter, this was before I really saw or read any hype on it, was a blind purchase. I had no clue about the hype/popularity of this yoyo and had no clue that it had won Worlds…Oops, I mean, it was used to win worlds (a yoyo can’t win a competition, it can only be used to win :slight_smile: )

What turned me onto it was seeing the Alien Galaxy colorway (which looks amazing) sitting there on the YYE table at 2014 BAC, just waiting to be picked up. After I made the purchase and threw on some string, I gave it a spin. Initially I was underwhelmed as the spin times were pretty bad. Figured the bearing needed breaking in.

Recently I switched the lackluster bearing with one of my Dif-E-Yo Konkave bearings and it plays much better.

If I were relate this to rides at Disneyland and wait times that one experiences, I’d say the Shutter is to Space Mountain where the Too H.O.T. is to Big Thunder Mountain. Space Mountain is highly popular and can get up to 2 hour waits. Big Thunder is also well received but I usually see 45 minutes tops…yea, you know you’re obsessed with theme parks when you have to relate yoyos to park attractions :slight_smile:

I have the H3X. Good luck finding any of these as I think only 100 of each color were made. Feels like a sup’d up Dark Magic, has a very comfortable shape and feels great for all around play!

Overrated. I have to give that to the Dazzler. I’m debating whether or not that’s actually fair, because I haven’t seen that many rave reviews about it in the first place. And, it was always going to be a collector for me anyway, just from the look of the specs. No regrets, but it’s just a shame I didn’t enjoy playing it more.


  1. I wish they would re-brand and re-release that Yuuksta. That little Genesis is the bomb! One of the best undersized that I’ve ever tried.

  2. Ricochet. I’m not so sure it’s underrated, because the vast majority of those who tried it think it’s great. But, I just wish more people actually tried it. It really filled a void in the market. Whenever people say they love undersized yo-yos, yet they express disappointment with the spin they get out of them, I want to direct them right to the Ricochet. It is an undersized lover’s dream yo-yo. A lot of people will be sorry they missed it. After trying the Dream, a brushed Ricochet would have been even better.

  3. Exit 8. I wasn’t supposed to like that one, and it’s out of production now. But, that 63g yo-yo surprised me due to the small bearing in it. It’s a fun throw. Not the best, but I’m surprised it didn’t make a better impression.

  4. Teleport. It’s different, fun, wide, and at that price point, I’m surprised it hasn’t made more noise.

  5. Cyborg 2.0. It’s better than the original, to me, at a better price, with more durable material. I think it’s getting buried in the midst of so many other great YYF yo-yos that already have momentum going. It’s a great player, but I think they should have held that one a little longer until the popular models started to fizzle out. And, Pat B. leaving the team now, just bad timing.

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Draupnir is the definition of overrated. I finally tried one myself, feels like a heavy chunk of metal as with most rim weighted modern yoyos, except it’s a dead smooth one. The rim weight actually prevents me from going fast from the start, that is I had to build up the speed instead, unlike say, Phenom which just “wants” to go fast. I can perform better with most metal Yoyojam anyday.

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i actually think the dazzler isn’t overrated, because I have seen at least half a dozen rave reviews of it. Overpriced, yes. But overrated, I don’t think so. Keep in mind I haven’t played it. And totally agree with the yuuksta.

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draupnir = major underrated.
yeti = also underrated

I mean like, nobody ever talks about them, and they play so good. they have no flaws what so ever. also its jsut that they dont get enough attention, unlike some really hyped up yoyos like the uh… mighty flea

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The Shout - not rated.

For now…

(Shameless plug)

You have got to be kidding, Buggot.

I’d say that the G-Squared Aftershock is underrated. It plays like a champ, while still maintaining a unique feel that i am yet to encounter on any other yoyo. It’s a real pleasure to throw, so it’s a shame that it hasn’t gotten into the hands of a lot of players out there.

Just ask Steve Brown about the Yeti… He has an endless barrage of questions about it especially when the next run is coming out. He us very patient with it all.

As for the Draupnir, it still comes up in conversation pretty often.

No sarcasm in Australia? :wink:


You were right. Buggot was kidding :smiley:

Haha. I’ll have to hear it form Buggot himself if he was being sarcastic because I’m not completely sure he was. lol.

If there are no particularly standout words, sarcasm is difficult to pick up when it is typed. :wink:

LOL :smiley:

I am “completely utterly with no doubt what so ever” serious.

Just kidding! I thought the part about the mighty flea would give it off that I was using sarcasm. Either that or the bad spelling and grammar and stuff. Plus I just don’t talk like that, “nobody ever, no flaws what so ever” :smiley:

Sorry if that went over people’s heads :stuck_out_tongue:

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