Most dissapointing yoyo?

Can you be a little more specific?

Are you asking for first impression disappointment or final judgement disappointment?

example; one of the guys said the JPX was disappointing because it didn’t live up to the ‘hype’?

Yet in the very next sentence he states ‘he loves the JPX’.

But he was disappointed when he first tried it.

So are you asking which yoyo was the most disappointing… At first?

Or a yoyo that was most disappointing when you first threw it and no matter how much you throw it to try and like it you still don’t like it?

I have gotten new yoyos and didn’t like them at all… And three days later I can’t put them down, lol.

So what are you asking exactly?



doc i think he’s asking what yo-yo just made you disappointed for whatever reason. presumably he is asking for the final synopsis but if anyone has a story of disappointment at all regarding a yo-yo’s play, look, etc. then i think this is the thread for them.

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Probably the rally and the puffin 2. I remember all the hype around the puffin 2 and how much I waited for one and it was really nothing special.

Good questions, Yoydoc.

My evaluations of the yoyos I stated as disappointing were made after extended play time.

The Puffin 2. I’m not a fan of the way it “feels” during play. It also became incredibly vibey after a while, even if it never really hit anything else besides my hand. I’m not sure if it’s just my Puffin, but it seems to lack durability and is very prone to becoming vibey.

Here’s my theory.

2 different ways to see a yoyo.

1st. You play with it don’t think of the price. And see if its good then great. But if its bad then bad. Wait let me elaborate.

Let’s a 100$ yoyos you play with it and just see if its good or bad none matter the price.

2nd way is you play a yoyo even its good but you don’t feel its good for the price. OK?

Basically. Value for money theory here.

Wm2 is good but not worth the price for me. So I was disappointed that I payed this but I didn’t found it value for money. So sold it for 100$. And it was fg. Great deal right?

I was looking at it like: Yes! I get to play a (insert really hyped yoyo here.) Hmm… It’s really good and I like it alot, but I thought this was like the best yoyo ever… That’s disappointing.

A lot of other people are looking at it like: I heard that this was good, but I dont like it for some reason. Well, that’s disappointing.

I personally think you can’t judge a yoyo without the price. I mean, a $10 yoyo may be “slightly not as good” as a $200 high end (for an extreme example), if you don’t factor the price the high end wins, but if you do factor the price the $10 yoyo hands down is the better yoyo.
I don’t really have any yoyo I’m disappointed with. If I pay $1 for a yoyo, and it performs like a $1 yoyo, then it’s not disappointing.

Basically what owen said!

EDIT Realized i quoted the wrong person.

Except I used bigger words

I quoted the wrong person

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i understand value for money but I you find the value not comparable for its cost, how can it be your favorite yoyo? If you loved it that much, one would think that it’s worth it’s price. Just my 2 cents.

But that’s what I aid if I saw it the 1st way its good. But 2nd way its not great.

So basically yoyos is good but price is not.

Ok, so the yoyo wasn’t disappointing, you just didn’t agree with the price.

Yup its was good but not for the price.

Replay, just didn’t think it was that great.

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I found these pretty disappointing.

Henrys Lizard YoYo Has very much disappointed me it has a spin time of about 10 seconds and spins out alot

My most disappointing YoYo is the YYR Draupnir…it’s so light…the price was ridiculous…and I hardly play it cause I’m fearful I’ll ding it or worse…live & learn

I almost feel like this is a troll :wink: