Most Annoying thing non-throwers tell you

At my school they call me “yoyo” or “lil throw” or “yoyo sensei”

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That’s why I teach yoyo classes instead of babysitting for cash :wink:

This generation is beyond immaturity if you ask me (I’m pretty sure you and me are prime examples :wink: )

I hope that’s sarcasm.

I don’t get truly bothered, but if there are a few that make me cock my eyebrows, they would be the already-mentioned

“You have too much time on your hands” (everyone of all ages has both too much and too little time on our hands; I play yoyo, you probably watch more TV than I do…)


“That’s a cheater yoyo. Of course it’s easy to do all that string nonsense. A REAL yoyo is shaped the opposite way!” (I usually offer them my yoyo and say, It IS pretty easy, to be frank. I can get you started in about 5 minutes if you feel like learning)

You should learn the Insert Quote function :wink:

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Can you walk the dog? ( no, it’s too hard)
Have you ever gotten a knot?
How much did that cost?
Is that a trick yoyo?
Can I try?

“How long have you been doing this” I don’t mind it if they ask this
“You must have no life” Yup, whatever makes you feel good about yourself
“Oh please, I could do all that” Do it then.

My 3 most annoying things that non-throwers tell me or do are:

  1. ‘Can I try?’ and then I let them try and they smack it on concrete (which is why I hardly ever let anyone try anymore.)

  2. ‘You’re a show off’

  3. When one of the most annoying people who try to be cool take a look at me when I throw and pretend to be unimpressed

“You’re wasting your life.”
“Love you too, mom”



And here I was, thinking I was the only one… :wink:

  1. Can you walk the dog?
  2. Them: Can I try your yoyo? Me: it’s unresponsive you won’t be able to do it. them: I think I can yoyo a freakin yoyo give it. Me: fine. Them: throws it hard against ground an dents it then complains it is broken cuz it wont come up
  3. Old person back in my day kids cut down trees and worked all day and now a days u play with a gay ass yoyos

^^^^ that’s what I hate

Haha I’m going to use this.

I just got my headphones in zoning out. People give me thumbs ups. but usually just walk by.

I am here:
|Y|O|R|E|D| @~~

When people ask me to walk the dog and I explain why I won’t (it will scratch it) and then they start chanting “walk the dog! Walk the dog!” Or “he can’t even walk the dog”

This doesn’t really bug me that much it’s just kind of funny, but when people ask stuff like “is that a yoyo?”
This doesn’t really have to do with yoyos but one time I decided to take my corn snake to the mall with me and I kept hearing people say “is that a snake?” In my head I reply “no it’s a hamster.”

I guess I should be thankful that nearly nobody around me knows what a diabolo is and I rarely take my Diabolo out.

this is why I like my Super Yo Triple Play. I can flip it like a 3-in-1 and prove I can do it with an imperial(and occasionally fail.

Ah that’s probably why, forgot to mention that I’m generally around an older crowd (in their 20s), so that kind of stuff doesn’t happen too often.

When they call me a show off i say

I prefer the term, “jealous that I can do what you can’t”

Then walk away