Most Annoying thing non-throwers tell you

Tell me about it e.e

Oh the good old “can you walk the dog”? If I’m over a surface where I don’t want the yoyo to touch the ground I just say, “I’ll walk him up my arm”, and do a grind. Now the most annoything is people asking me to walk the dog up my arm.

How do you know it’s a he? Could be a she :confused:

I know, it’s my dog.


When I throw in public I anticipate that people will notice and respond to what I’m doing. I’m putting myself and my skills, or lack thereof, on display. Therefore, I’m setting the stage to interact with the public. I’ve never once had anyone grab at my yoyo or intentionally mess it up. I do receive requests to try and requests for tricks. On days that I don’t feel like interacting with people, in regards to yoyoing, I don’t yo in public.

Their opinions don’t annoy me, I’m asking for them to share those opinions by putting myself on display. I’m glad I’m approachable and I’m glad to take the time to share what I do. What annoys me then?

I’m annoyed with myself, when and if, I become annoyed with someone showing interest in such a fantastic activity that has improved the quality and enjoyment of my own life. Sharing makes yoyoing better!

That’s just my opinion and my experience with this wonderful toy.


there’s only one

  • oh! look, a mini diabolo!
  • it’s not a diabolo, it’s a yoyo
  • no, it’s not true, this is not a yoyo, it’s a mini diabolo
  • whatever…

Haha…I’ve never heard that one personally. Do you really hear that often in France?

haha, I’ve never heard that one either.

I do get “oh look, a chinese yoyo” quite a bit though

The most annoying thing nonthrowers tell is calling me “yoyo man” or asking me where my yoyo is.

Mine too. Immaturity… :stuck_out_tongue:

-“can I touch it?”
-“can you walk the dog?”

-“woah, mini diablo!”
-“Oh, that’s a cheating yo-yo.”
-“You have way too much time on your hands.”
-“I do those tricks all day. I am totally like the national champ.”
-grabs string and pretends to do fancy tricks

That’s it. I hate this phrase too.
Last week I was doing complicated combo, you know, nothing special, just some whips, slacks… I was kinda meditating. And then I heard: “oh, that’s cool, but can you do Eiffel Tower”? Dang! (: All meditation was gone.

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The only real annoying thing I hear is when they call me a liar when I tell them the price of a throw, or when they say “its cheating! it never stops!” after I’ve already explained the progression of modern yoyoing and the implementation of competition.

I’ve never had too many negative remarks thrown my direction, but here’s one that got under my skin recently;

“Your yoyo has a ball-bearing in it? That’s cheating! Tommy Smothers never had a ball-bearing in any of his yoyos and he’s a lot better’n you!”

I’ve never told anyone how much my yoyo costs, I just say “too much”. That way they know that its worth a lot to me financially.

For me it’s
“where do I get a Yoyo like that?”
“can you walk the dog?”
" now do cats cradle!"

“can I see that Yoyo?”
swinging the Yoyo around
*that yoyo wont come up its broken!"

And worst of all when I babysit and bring yoyos

“no I want to see it!”
throws temper tantrum
" I want that Yoyo!"

( this was over a cheap plastic green Yoyo I bought a the dollar store for one of them)

“Can you walk the dog?”
does arm grind
“Can you do that on the ground?”

“When I was a kid, I used to do this triangle trick.” Meaning rock the baby.
happens to be doing green triangle
“Yup. That was it.”


People tell me “those are fake, they don’t come back up, I bet you can’t do that with a real yoyo”

Me:slaps forehead

Nothing. I try not to let the opinions of others affect me.

Then again, no one has really said anything beyond “that’s a cheater yoyo” to me. At least to my face :wink: I’ve only thrown once or twice between classes at my college, and all I got was “that sounds cool”. In high school, people were just impressed or didn’t care.

If you don’t want people making remarks about your hobby, don’t do it where they can see it. It’s not like yoyoing is very subtle.