Hi guys,
This is aimed at the beginners out there, who are still struggling with the likes of Kwyjibo, that is around Advanced 1 / Advanced 2 yoyo skill level on Yoyoexpert.com/learn/.
The idea is that we are going to be motivating each other to keep progressing and by the end of the year we should have advanced faster than we would have if we went at it alone.
The challenge will run from 1st December 2019 for 52 weeks! (and maybe more if it continues to be a success).
The plan is every week on Sunday night Twitch and I will take turns on alternative weeks to select one trick.
So once the next trick is announced on Sunday night you have from Monday~Sunday each week to try and complete it and get a video of a clean execution uploaded to this thread.
I will be first to go at picking a trick and announcing it this Sunday night followed by Twitch picking one next week and we will alternate from there.
If you are also a beginner and want to have a go please feel free to jump in and challenge yourself with us and enjoy your learning experience together with similarly skilled compadres. Leave a comment below if you want to participate, you can jump in and out anytime, but I think if you can complete all 52 with us that will be awesome.
Love from MoonageMin & Twitch77
Track your progress here :
List of tricks :
- Week 1 : Kamikaze
- Week 2 : Jason Lee’s Slingy
- Week 3 : Beginner Speed Combo & Superflow
- Week 4 : Mexican Duck Pond
- Week 5 : Gemma Planell’s Smoothie
- Week 6 : Finger Spins
- Week 7 : Basic Injection
- Week 8 : Victor Sacchelli’s Picture Slideshow
- Week 9 : ChrysaeThrows’s Momentum Bind
- Week 10 : Spirit Bomb
- Week 11 : Ryosuke Iwasawa’s Combo
- Week 12 : Candy Rain
- Week 13 : Barrel Roll Variation, Split Bottom Mount Variations, Boingy Boing, & Pop n’ Fresh
- Week 14 : Ninja Vanish
- Week 15 : Jack’s Slack
- Week 16 : Reverse Hook
- Week 17 : Black Hops
- Week 18 : Chop Stick Tower
- Week 19 : And Whut
- Week 20 : Slack to Rabbit Ears
- Week 21 : Deep Magenta
- Week 22 : 5A Basics
- Week 23 : 5A Stall, Windmill, Half & Full Bee Stings
- Week 24 : 5A Butterflies, Efans, Nunchucks
- Week 25 : 5A Vines
- Week 26 : 5A Combo Mounts
- Week 27 : Jade Whip, & Iron Whip
- Week 28 : Follow
- Week 29 : Ladder Escape
- Week 30 : Asian Pops
- Week 31 : Star Combo
- Week 32 : 1.5 Hook
- Week 33 : Charles Haycock Combo
- Week 34 : Bonkers Repeater
- Week 35 : Bouncy Castle
- Week 36 : Grinds & Grind Binds
- Week 37 : Sam Magallon Smooth Trick
- Week 38 : Hour Glass
- Week 39 : Drop GT
- Week 40 : Regens
- Week 41 : Sea Sick & Protusions
- Week 42 : Arm tricks
- Week 43 : Horizontal Basics
- Week 44 : Toilet Roll
- Week 45 : Rancid Milk
- Week 46 : Suicides
- Week 47 : Mizzy Dotion
- Week 48 : Yuuki Spencer Slack Mount Combo
- Week 49 : Rejection to GT
- Week 50 : Rejection to GT #2
- Week 51 : Boomerang
- Week 52 : 1 Min Freestyle