MoonageMin & Twitch's Trick-a-Week Challenge! (2020)

Okay so I haven’t heard back from Gemma yet.
So we are going to use that for my next trick in this case in two weeks time.

This week, in light of the above posts, let’s learn some easier speed combos kinda. This has been on my tricks to learn wish list for a while. And I think it is basically the first ones to learn when getting into speed combos. And I really want to have one in my repertoire.

TaW #3 Beginner Speed Combo & Superflow

So this week’s tricks is two parts. As I feel like for the more advance people both of these tricks they would already have learnt. For @twitch77 and I, I am hoping these are still new things to learn.
Well it is for me.

So do part 1 and if you can do it and have time left do part 2 as well. Extra brownie points for learning both tricks and combining it into one combo.

Trick 1 :

Trick 2 :

Sorry I couldn’t get my friend to record a tutorial for the actual trick I wanted to share this week in time :slight_smile: