Modern Responsive March 2024 - Week 3

OK. Sorry for 2 videos. Forgot Split the Atom got an additional entry!


@Gurggis was having trouble posting this week, so hereā€™s his:

Split the Atom, Pocket Watch, and Alt Planet Hops!


Hereā€™s my week 3 submission. 4 tricks

Forgot to wear a sweater for the Sweater Combo, but I was definitely SWEATing whether Iā€™d nail that trick before the deadline :sweat_smile:


Had a busy AF week this week, so only three tricks :roll_eyes::face_exhaling:. Two main tricks and Split the Atom in here.

Really wanted the full set on the gamer but i cant wven do them on a regular yoyo yet lol. Iā€™m out for revenge on next weeks trick set.

Song choice because yā€™all are leaving me after one more week! Im not ready! :sob::laughing:


The end to your planet hops was sick! šŸ©·


Been a busy week so havenā€™t been able to devote much time to recording tricks so gonna have to settle with Split the Atom, Pocket Watches, and Off-Hand Hops. Did manage to mostly get the chopsticks tower thing but havenā€™t solidified the exit/dismount yet.


Oh dang! Do I have tomorrow still or is this week over in literally two minutes?

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I believe you have 2 hours still. @Yodaddyo

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Usually @Pun1sh3R gives us a warning. I was waiting for that to cram :joy:

I think itā€™s too late now. Oh well, thereā€™s always next week. At least, until next week :cry:

Thanks! Been working on another trick that starts with that bit but ends with a lunar landing. Havenā€™t landed it yet but I love the feel of that opening.

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Drats! Bet you could do at least one of either planet hops or pocket watch in time. And Split the Atom if you know it, its not the hardest trick in the set.

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I can do them all. Iā€™ve filmed them a bunch, but Iā€™m trying to trick you guys into thinking I can yoyo by getting them all in one shot, clean. I also have to keep deleting videos to be able to record videos because my phone is a dinosaur :joy: otherwise I would just edit them together.

I already won a prize in FAF, so Iā€™m happy. Definitely going to get in on the last week though.


Itā€™s midnight pacific so you got till 3am eastern.

Upload away @Yodaddyo

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Iā€™m impressed you landed that on the mobile gamer lol that thing is unforgiving


Thatā€™s 1AM mountain time!

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Man Iā€™m tired Iā€™m just gonna post my single trick and worse case Cody says no. this week was tough in a bunch of non yoyo ways and Iā€™m ready to go on vacation.


Haha thanks! Yeah it was fun getting these on it. I just ran out if time this week to get the hang of Sweater trick, and chopsticks tower still boggles my mind lol.

Im pretty sure i could get the sweater one on it but tower was going to make me cry :laughing:. I just tapped out.


Omg LMAO! Your moves man :laughing:.


Lol I just faked it at the end. Got into the chopsticks the only way I know how haha. But meh whatever, I didnā€™t do sweater right anyway. But J still get points for doing a couple right and the extra haha

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30 more minutesā€¦ Give or take an hourish