Misery loves company... Any club jugglers here?

You should do it. There are so many good tutorials on YouTube. It was harder than I thought I could do and I almost gave up a few times, but after pushing past the initial problems it went from being kind of miserable to being really fun. It is somewhat like learning a new style of yoyo play, but juggling seems more wide open.

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3 balls juggling is very relaxing. Even when I beginning to learn, I remember was absorbed by the balls pattern. A few minutes / catches a day, youā€™ll learn fast.

Clubs juggling require more space, and is quite more difficult. Requires more dedication.

Concerning the number: numberā€™s not the most important. Iā€™ve seen 3 balls jugglers doing amazing stuff, far harder IMO than a 5 pattern.
As Iā€™m not actively practicing anymore, when I get my hands on a set of clubs I try and run 5 clubs, but thatā€™s because I lost imagination for fancy 3-clubs patterns, and they look harder than 5 clubs to me. :man_shrugging:


Iā€™ve tried. Never could get past the running juggler stage. Great timing cannot overcome poor eyesight.

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I seriously thought and thought about giving clubs a try.

But in the end, I found it a lot easier to just join a Club.

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Running and juggling is a thing, itā€™s called joggling. I canā€™t do it though because running makes me puke.
If you want to learn to juggle without throwing up, check out this video about how to correct some common problems, it helped me a bunch.


Thanks. Way back around 1980 I bought the book ā€œJuggling for the Complete Klutz.ā€ It came with 3 square bean bags that donā€™t roll away. I remember being with friends, standing around on a tennis court trying to juggle. I never got to where I could stand in one spot. Finally gave it up for myself, but over the years I gave that book to various people as Christmas presents. A few months ago I bought a set of juggling balls. Iā€™ll watch the video and try it again.

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I watched dozens of videos, most of them are similar to the Klutz book (yeah I had that back then too). The breakthrough I had was a vid I canā€™t find right now, I think it was Daniel Menendez, and he explained how to slow down the throws a little. Donā€™t throw the second ball when the 1st ball is at itā€™s peak, but wait until it is coming down closer to your catch hand. Everything slows down and you can get some controlled throws.
The other thing is to keep your elbows close to your sides, wait for the ball to drop, donā€™t reach out for the catch.
Of course the best advise would be to have learned it when you were 14. It was **so hard **to learn but it is a lot of fun after the pain.


I juggle clubs. :slight_smile: Passing is super fun.


Who knew quitting work would improve my juggling so fast?
My cascade is solid and I am working the occasional double into it. I only practice that outside so itā€™s a little slow going but I am starting to get the hang of it.
If I ever start working again I will have to take juggling breaks so as not to lose ground. Gotta have skills to fall back on these days.


Congrats! Youā€™ll be ready for club passing when you can meet people again! :wink:

I lack some grass to club juggle onā€¦ so I practice with balls. Iā€™m glad my ceiling is high enough! :smiley:


club juggling looks like so much fun. juggling in general looks fun, itā€™s always been something i want to try. my dad can juggle, my brother can juggle, we have friends who can juggle. iā€™ve tried juggling a few times, but never get the hang of it/didnā€™t stick with it. any tips for bean bag juggling?


I guess youā€™ve already watched tutorial videos (thereā€™s plenty around), so Iā€™ll assume you donā€™t need instructions on how to actually juggle.
The video up there gives a lot of tips to fix your juggling if you can juggle a few catches but canā€™t keep it going.

IMO, the best way to learn is not to spend hours straight until you get it.
Youā€™d rather have 3 balls somewhere visible in your house, and try juggling a few minutes (or even seconds) each time you pass by. No rush, youā€™ll build your neuronal connections, and once youā€™ve got it you canā€™t forget it.
And donā€™t hesitate to repeat basics as well: with 1 ball, with 2 ballsā€¦ repeat, repeat, over time it will become natural.


thank you! my brother has a set, so Iā€™ll probably use those. :smiley:


As a phys ed instructor, I would teach juggling, including clubs. I must say my club juggling is pretty basic.


A friend (nonjuggler) shared this with me recently:


I almost got some scarves a couple days agoā€¦clubs seem fun but dangerous. Gotta work up to chainsaws somehow.


I learned to juggle when I was already in my 60s, and it was really hard, but I wanted to learn clubs so I stuck with it. You need to look at all the vids you can because they all offer something different, but honestly, the only thing I could tell you that I am sure about is that you can do it if you keep at it. The learning curve was unique for me, not like yo-yos or tops.
The funny thing about juggling is that when you are learning you are actually using too much effort. The basic three ball cascade with clubs or balls is really a pretty lazy motion, you just have to keep your shoulders relaxed and elbows by your sides and keep your hands around waist levelā€¦belt level if you are still wearing pants these days. Donā€™t chase the catches, let gravity work for you for once.


I used one book to learn all of my juggling.
The Complete Juggler by Dave Finnigan.


Yeah I donā€™t know about chain saws but I have seen people use plastic grocery bags instead of scarves. Iā€™m not sure if they were empty or maybe had something tied in them for a little weight. They move very slowly compared to bean bags.

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I would often teach juggling with grocery bags because you could change the weight easily by adding a bit of sand, sliding it to a bottom corner and tying a knot above it.