Maybe Samad Was Right...

My balls rusted.

No one be immature :stuck_out_tongue:

Okay, because your bearing is already bad, it won’t hurt to try. I suggest using some WD-40 on it, and let it seep in on both sides. Then after that, get some mineral spirits, and give it a very good clean. Make sure no possible amount of WD-40 is left. If there is some, clean it again.

Now, after you are done cleaning it, dry it very well. Then, lube the heck out of it. Yes, it will be responsive, but it may possibly bring it back to life. Good luck :slight_smile:

If the balls in your bearing are rusted you won’t be able to restore them to as good as they were new or before they rusted so if I were you I would just get a new bearing for it. Or you can listen to Samad. If you’re not talking about your bearing, then you should probably see a doctor =P

Sorry. No girls reading right? ;D :smiley: :wink: :slight_smile:

Girl here. Reading.

And I’m sure she’s never heard about any of that. cough cough

Sorry to get back on topic here… But I did check out our local hardware store to see if they had mineral spirits. They had some stuff that said it was “made With mineral spirits”. So is made with and being actual mineral spirits the same thing?

I mean cookies are made WITH eggs, but are hardly the same thing.

My Dark Magic bearing is running smooth and is nice and broken in. No cleaning needed there. But I’ve got a Throw Monkey that seems like it’s slowed down. I think I’d like to give the cleaning a try on that one. But something I’m wondering is whether the Duncan is really slowing down, or is it that the more I use the DM and the more it gets broken in the more it’s just leaving my poor monkey behind?

Getting back on topic is a great thing.

All of you are just acting very inapropriate for some of the people on the forums,so please stop.

Whether being made with mineral spirits is the same as being mineral spirits is the same thing I do not know. You should be able to find something that says it is mineral spirits so I would just do that. If the store you were at didn’t have it, try one or two more and somebody should have some.

The Monkey bearing might have stuff inside and if it sits there it for long it might be hardening some so it would slow the bearing down.

I found mineral spirits at WalMart. 100% mineral spirits, without any other stuff. Apparently it’s odorless, too.

Hey, don’t blame me for anything.

Ooops,I didnt mean to qoute that,you have nothing to do with this,sorry.

No offense, can’t we have some laughs? I agree we shouldn’t overdo it but we got back on topic.

Just speaking my mind.

It still isn’t very apropriate.

IMO that’s the best kind of humor but that’s just me.

We have the same stuff and sadly it really isn’t odorless and still stinks really bad. I haven’t smelled non-odorless mineral spirits but my guess is that it stinks much worse so they just took out some of the smelliness.
But that just shows that many stores and probably all hardware stores have it if Walmart does.

I got my Mineral Spirits at Home Depot in the Painting section. It is 100% odorless but still smells horrible. You can get it almost anywhere.

Exacly what I was trying to say,you can get it almost anywhere,it will probably be easier to get than all the other stuff that has never been tried.

Ok, this topic has been discussed to death, and has gone off the rails well into the realm of inappropriate more than once now.

If you’re using something other than lighter fluid or mineral spirits, well, it’s your money. Enjoy replacing your bearings. This is all that can be said at this point. Listen or don’t.

OP, lock it up.

Yes,please lock it.

Kim-Lan and I didn’t do anything. :wink:

Also, for future reference in your posting, you are supposed to press the “space” button after you type a comma.

Who said that you did?

I’m not going to speak for anyone here, but maybe folks want their posts to stay on topic? Maybe Kim-Lan (or anyone else here) would like to know she can click on a thread without being subjected to juvenile sexual innuendo?

As far as I can tell, nothing in this thread has actually violated any rules Andre has written and tacked up for the masses to see. I’m not sure that should even be a consideration for anyone making a post here given the family and community friendly atmosphere that’s silently implied here.

Maybe sticking to the spirit of the rules here, and not just the letter, is the best thing for all of us?