Maybe Samad Was Right...

HEET contains a significant amount of alcohol (among a myriad of other undisclosed chemicals, i’ll wager) in order to keep any water in your gas tank or fuel lines from freezing. probably not a good idea.

WD-40 is not good for bike chains, btw. You have to buy special lubricant for chains.
Off topic, sorry. :stuck_out_tongue:

WD-40 is good for rusty bike chains. It removes rust. But you should oil/lube your bike chain with oil/lube made for bike chains.

Addment: You can’t get more off-topic than this. Unless you say: I like turtles.

I use WD-40 on my hamster wheels to make them Non-Skweaky!(Spelling?)

I also like turtles.

 I really dont see why we have to try all these other things for cleaning bearings,if you can get all these other chemichals,I bet you can easily get mineral spirits or lighter fluid,just as docrobot said...

I believe it’s “squeaky”
Snakes are better than turtles but they’re a close second. (wow ha)


Batryn, Lock it please? This is getting off-topic.

Yes,please lock it…

Wouldn’t it be easier to just get back on topic, or just not post in it? A large action isn’t required…

My bearing rusted though… ;D

Man… are you guys trying to make a post on how to kill a bearing the hard way? Jeez. Lemon juice, hydrogen, whats next, battery acid?

It rusted and I’m trying to fix it, smart one.

Good luck. My YYJ bearing rusted and I could do nothing about it. I ran it under water and it worked even better.

It will probably make it better then worse. Water is actually what causes rusting.


I have said it once and I will again, please just use mineral spirits or lighter fluid.
WD-40 isn’t the best thing for you yoyo,have you seen this video? - Maintenance - Yo-Yo Lube
He says it’s not the best thing.

And I’m pretty sure Andre knows what he’s talking about. If you disagree with that, then let him know.
Rust on the outside of the bearing doesn’t really matter. The string isnt sliding across that anyways so it doesn’t matter. If it’s on the inside, you probably won’t be able to get it out and will need to just get a new bearing.

How would you get it out from the outside?

Well, this may seem odd, but… If you have brake cleaner lying around you can use that as long as you dry the bearing off well after because it WILL CORRODE THE PLASTIC

Does brake cleaner really remove rust? Cool then and (Somebody correct me if I’m wrong here) it should technically turn your bearing a little bit into a kk because rust is metal that has had oxygen added to it so removing that rust would remove some of the metal.