Mass Mystery Trade!

Hey everyone its time for the Mass Mystery Trade!
Here are the rules.

  1. You must have at least 10 positive feedback.
  2. You have to trade something at least 60$ retail.
  3. You must tell what you have to make sure it is worth enough.
  4. Can’t be beat or have vibe.
  5. Leave feedback after the trade.

After the spots are filled I will put everyones username in the hat and will take out one name (the person who ships) to the second person drawn. Once you are both trading and traded too then your name will be taken out of the drawing. Message me if you would like to join.

There will be ten spots total!
3.J Singh 2K

8 spots remain!


Lemme in

Got not enough feedback :frowning:

Got burned on the last one im out till Christmas

J Singh is in!

I’d say I got shafted on the last one, I got a throw but it was much lower than what I shipped. But it’s all about the giving not the receiving :slight_smile: on that note, I’m in.

Well poo… I don’t have enough feedback…

Youre in.

BenM36 is in!

Apollo2 is in! 4 spots left!

What if I show you over 150 feedback on a video game website…?

No doubt I have 400+ positives no negatives on eBay and a dozen or more on the canon camera forum…

It would be unfair to others.

Mordo613 is in! 3spots!

If allowed I’ll vouch for snafu and make good on anything that goes wrong. I’ll complete the exchange should there be a problem. (Though I suspect there won’t be.)

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Must have 10 on this site?

Thanks and indeed there wouldn’t be anything amiss I will stick to my end! :slight_smile: I know the pains of getting screwed over and won’t be doing to others. That golden rule is something I take serious and that is great others as you want to be treated and not the do into others before they do unto you version that seems so obviously and painfully prevalent these days.

Thanks again Vegas I’d not let you are anyone down.

Ok you are in