
In this thread , we will make a never-ending story , simple.


What’s the twist?

The twist is , YOU start the story.

(nothing dirty , please keep this thread clean :slight_smile: )


I walk into a lamp post

Then he fell into a puddle of water…

a stranger gives him a papertowel and throws some change at him

He forcefully chucks the change back and runs from him as he calls the police… :smiley:

The police come up in front of me and throw more change in my eyes…

tha guy snapped…and the cops had to handcuff him and take him…DOWNTOWN

the tooth fairy takes me away from there too…

tooth fairy drops him while falling and lands in the grand canyon which happens to be full carnivouros killing bunnies…

I question the plot of this story…

he finds a nice bunny which gives him his hopping ability to leap out of the grand canyon…

I begin to feel as if somepony is messing with me through some sort of Make-A-Story thread…

He declares to the world " I believe that i am being controlled by a greater force. The force of yoyoexpert forums!" Everyone panics and runs in circles. He runs into an old friend…

named Gilda…

Then he realizes it is his old ex gf from germany…

Who happens to be a griffon

Who calls me a loser and walks off…

then he said i’m NOT a loser…

As she leaned in to kiss me i doged it and pushed her down a well. Then drown her in…(u guessed it)…change

He runs to greenland only to be swallowed by a gnarwhal but lives inside