MagicYoyo K1 axle?

Hey y’all! Quick question. Anybody know what size axle I need to turn a MagicYoyo K1 into a responsive yoyo? I have une that is unresponsive but I’d like to flip it.

Thanks if anyone knows!

Usually magic yo-yos come with 2 axles, and you just use the shorter one, but I’m pretty sure that you can just use the slim bearing because of the hubstack design has a “one size fits all” axle. I may be wrong, I don’t own one, but I’ve seen several of them and have told kids to do the same thing in my yoyo club, and they didn’t tell me that it didn’t work.

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You know what, I havent actually tried that. I dont have a slim bearing on me but ill try it whenever I’m home and report back.

Try it out, and post back when you do. I bet someone else will have the same question. :person_shrugging:

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