i having a situation
i bought a vosun trinity come with responsive bearing and 8mm axle
can i just change to size c bearing to play unresponsive without changing to 10mm axle?
depends on the yoyo, but you should be able to, most unresponsive yoyos dont have 10 mm axles anymore
I’d say it depends on how much axle you have to work with and how much wider the size C is than what’s in there right now. Do you know what size is in your yo-yo?
If it’s a size C slim, it’s about 3.16mm in width as opposed to the nominal 4.75mm width of the regular Size C which gives you just over 1.5mm less axle length that will be holding the yoyo together.
On a .7mm pitch that’s a little over two full turns of the yo-yo half that you’ll lose when screwing it together.
If the yo-yo is made to accommodate a 10mm axle with a size C bearing, I’d try to get one just to be safe. The throw will be stronger that way, less prone to damage if it hits the ground hard and less likely to accidentally strip when screwing it together.
Remember that you can get axles at your local hardware store if you’ve got one around, the axle is just an M4x0.7mm set screw.
(The math in this post was done off the top of my head and I haven’t had my coffee yet, so please check it for yourself rather than assuming it’s correct.)
On top of the above math, I’m pretty sure that using an axle that’s too short can cause vibe. Since the axle is too short, it won’t go all the way into the hole on both sides, and it’ll probably end up all the way in on one side and there will be a gap on the other side. This could be enough of a weight difference to make the yoyo vibrate or wobble.
Other folks on here, please correct me if I’m wrong but I’m pretty sure I’ve heard that before.
Edit: I have been corrected. Lol apparently I was incorrect, the shorter axle won’t cause vibe.
I’d go for the longer axle. Available at most hardware stores as noted above. Of course that may not apply where you live.
I don’t think that’s correct, vibe is normally due to an assymetrical radial weight distribution. A short axle would cause an assymetrical axial weight distribution which probably wouldn’t cause a noticeable difference.
The reason I think that is, there are multiple reports of people half-swapping yoyos of very different weights and styles with no increase in vibe. Although in those cases the yoyo did have a tendency to rotate around the string axis when spinning due to the difference in weight of the halves.
It sounds possible but I’m not sure if it’s always the case… I lost my longer axel for my contact and used the shorter one with the c bearing, it’s still just as smooth.
Whoops! Edited my comment to say I was wrong. Thanks fellas!