Looking for a good yoyo: BiND or legendary terrarian

I have had my eye on the terrarian yoyo, now especially the legendary one, but the bind has some aspects to it an awesome yoyo. put your recommendation. especially if you have one of these.


To me this is a shape distinction. Do you want bell or classic W?


i like the feel of the bell, but the terrain also looks like its shape is a good feel too

The BiND is also heavier than the ND / ultra, the Legendary Terrarian is lighter than the Terrarian. But weight distribution is so radically different it’s hard to compare them otherwise.

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If you want a yo-yo that can do EVERYTHING then chose the biND. I have he original Terrarian and it is very good. Not quite sure the difference between the normal and legendary one. But in all honesty, I’d say the biND. It has a powerful feel with a weight distribution like no other.
Side note: I really like Nate Dailey (how can you not?) so that’s another point in my book. Also, this is the first yo-yo to have an incased ring, so that’s cool too :slight_smile:


Oh man. This is apples and oranges. Since others have already mentioned the differences, I think it comes down to what you want to prioritize in your collecting.

That said, I have seen the BiND pop up on the BST already for like $80 so IMO if you can wait a bit longer on it, I bet you can get a decent deal on it later on. Or wait until the holidays when YYE does their 10%/15%/20% off sales.

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