Growing up nothing ever really appealed to me. astro jacks seemed like a ripoff, thumb chucks weren’t invented yet, and tops, poi, and kendemy didn’t really do much for entertainment. and well, for skateboarding… don’t mention it to me. my dad likes to go on work trips to meetings and stuff, he sometimes brings back toys, so it wasn’t exactly a big surprise that he brought back a yoyo one day. Let me tell you now, that yoyo was so bad, that i don’t even know were it is. my dad got so fed up about it, that he actually looked up yoyoing. considering that he didn’t know about the universe of yoyos, that’s saying something. he learned that there’s a lot to yoyoing. s much in fact, that he decided to get a new yoyo, a professional yoyo. that’s right, my dad got a Magic yoyo N8! oh… you don’t like my father’s choice? a magic yoyo? well to me it was exotic, foreign. “they make metal yoyos? cool!” it introduced me to a whole new world, and be googling “simple cool yoyo trick” I was able to learn “simple cool yoyo tricks” and from there i took off, until fifth grade. you see, yoyos weren’t meant to be trendy or anything, and if they were, they were doing a bad job at making yo yos trendy. the fidget spinner era. were you could buy a flat plastic disk that spun. only for 199.99 (plus shipping and handling) cures ADHD! and so, i completely forgot about yoyos in the race to get a fidget spinner. then fidgets died, and my yoyos were forgotten. then one year later, a while. I was cleaning my room. and I found one of the three yoyos I had owned. its response pads were worn, it had dings dents and scratches. it’s wonderful blue color had faded, and its bearing was crap. in other words, it was perfect. and throwing it, i realised that for a year, I had neglected the world of yoyos, almost letting them fade from my mind completely. and when I was reintroduced, I realised, I had potential I was good at something for once. and as i threw more and more my dad started re-yoyoing too. and now look at where i’m at. I am writing a story, I have a small collection of yoyos, and for once, I feel happy. I don’t know your story. whether you bagan yoyoing when you were born, or your yoyoing for your first time today. I know my story though. and I know, that a dinged up piece of crap can save you, and that a dinged up piece of crap is still with me today. I may not know your story, but I know my story is happy.