Longest Fingerspin Challenge: Cash Prizes $$$

runs away

Your never gonna get my ramen!!! Muwahahahahahaaha

Oh my god
He pulled out the finger

http://shop.yoyoexpert.com/product/1249/Eternal-Throw-Elysian  :wink:


this is my entry

Might as well use this

Paul is a great bloke, but you really can’t call it a “Fingerspin” if it’s spinning on the end of a pen…  :stuck_out_tongue:

Yea that would be a pen spin

Dang that time scared me, then I saw the pen lol.

never thought anyone would get that close to beating my record.

But you can’t call it pen spinning though.


We’ll, since Paul figured that method out; couldn’t you just call it a ‘His-spin’?

Or maybe that logic has more holes than Swiss cheese.

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Remember guys, deadline is this Saturday, so get those videos in. :smiley:

OKOK, I send it I send it.

Just filmed my vid I’ll get it pmed to you later today hopefully.

I ended up going quite a bit below my record because my fingernails were never quite as long as they were when I got my record. I’m sure I won’t win, but I’m hoping to place.

Never hit my goal, oh well.

Hoping to place as well.

U were so confident before xD

If you got what I think you got then I’m pretty sure you won ::slight_smile:

Did a tad better then I was planning too but I don’t think I won, hopefully 2nd or 3rd

nah… when logi told me his record I had a feeling I was done