Let's break the Shoot the Moon record together

Nice run!
Are they hiring where you work?


thank you kevin!

at the moment weā€™ve got one open position, if you happen to live in southern california and are proficient in working with and designing loudspeaker systems and doing remote technical support of AV systems then send me a resume =]


Polo is just doing it off of an intentional snag here, what a legend


iā€™ve tried to work that into unresponsive combos and getting the snag to hit the right spot is hard lol

edit: the unresponsive STM, not the sick laceration tower after lol


Truly legendary. I want to be able to do that one day.

This trick is so elusive, even after all the practice I still donā€™t havenā€™t figured out the best way to set it up. So far 20 seems to be my best, I have done it a few times, but lots of attempts fall apart around 4 or 5.
I was never into looping tricks so maybe it is just a lack of experience, but it seems like everything has to be perfect for it to work, the string, the response, the weight of the yo-yo and the shape (forget trying on an imperial, maybe 2 clean reps).
Anyways itā€™s a good thing I have a high tolerance for fail. I think juggling reprogrammed my brain.


this is the vast majority of my experience playing with STM, its my favorite trick because of how much precision and finesse is required for something that looks so simple

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iā€™ve found that the most important part is just keeping the string perfectly centered on the plane the yoyo is spinning on, that will require adjustements left/right to keep the angles straight. after a while i even learned i can correct which way the plane is facing by being purposefully off plane a little bit.

this assumes that your yoyo is set up nice for consistent response

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Thatā€™s what it seems like to me, but I have a hard time seeing it. I donā€™t usually have that kind of focus with yo-yo tricks, but StM really demands that ninja focus deal. Then if I can get my string lined up, itā€™s a matter of keeping that smooth return, if it bounces at the end of the arc, itā€™s all over.


Iā€™d also suggest grinding regens and flips, as both force you to keep the string perfectly centred.


How does the Snap Back do for StM?

Can an old dog learn old tricks though? I was watching How To Be A Player yesterday and Neff mentioned not letting the yo-yo get closer than
6 inches to your hand. So I have been trying to keep it in a bit wider of an arc from my hand. It is taking some time to get used to it, but I think I have more control than before when it was closer.


Longish string & a generic 75 cent yo-yo - taking a Shoot the Moon break in the desert


Broke my personal record again recently. Up to 72 now!


Are you shooting moons with an FH1? That sounds painful :face_with_head_bandage:

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i shoot moons with whatever yoyo will allow me to shoot moons. my most recent personal record was set with that glow in the dark FH1 =], totally stock set up


Just saw this threadā€¦I used to be fairly consistent with these back in the dayā€¦not sure what kinda numbers I was pulling in though.

If memory serves me right, I was using either a Raider or Saber Raider, triple looped with a medium/short string. When I get a chance Iā€™ll dig these out of storage and report back. :grin:

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Gave this one a solid goā€¦I got to 85. (video sped up 2x)

Man, I started feeling it around 50 repsā€¦Got winded, sore neck and dizzy. haha.

Thats all I got in me for today. Need to build some endurance and try again another time.

Fun Challenge!


relate very much to the sore neck and dizziness around 50 LOL. i was hoping to get to 100 after i realized i passed 50 with ease, but right after that it started to hurt lol


I end up with neck aches too eventually the nerves go numb around 75 - Practicing a crossover today
