Let’s talk 3D printing



Fun fact, this is literally my favorite gif on the internet. I giggle hysterically every time I see it.

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lol it’s an internet treasure

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“Babe, I’m going to be busy. A new Sickburn yoyo just dropped.”


Newest Firefly on some Throw Yo string @rkalajian custom made for me.


My first take apart Pixie. Metal axle.


Been busy.

First is a take apart Cardigan. Second is all take apart Pixies. Metal axles on all.


Nice 80s design



I think I need that Death Star counterweight…

(And a Ti Vayder)


Agreed, that Deathstar is siickk

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After a couple of failed attempts, I finally have a printed throw that’s fully functional. Fixed axle (for FAF!) and weighs in at 58.2g with string. Dimensions and shape are similar to a butterfly, but it’s got a slightly larger diameter (and weighs a bit more). Response is pretty good, but I think I might try a little chapstick to get it just a touch snappier.

I think I’m gonna try one in TPU next.


Love it! I’ve thought of doing open infill and tried it for the inside for a response system but I was always worried stuff was going to get stuck in it :rofl:

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Hah! I’m sure it’ll happen eventually. But I guess one nice thing about printing yoyos is if one breaks or gets gross, you can just print another! I think that one took ~2.7 hrs, ~$0.82 worth of filament, and a $0.12 steel pin.

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Hey all! This is the Intro, a modern responsive/unresponsive yoyo for the first time learner or experienced player, designed to be easily 3D printed.

I’ve recently had some friends ask me to teach them how to yoyo, so I designed this model to support narrow responsive bearings and full-size C bearings, much like most modern beginner yoyos. I decided to release this file for free as an introductory model for 3D printed yoyo designs.

The files are down below. If you print one, please let send me some photos! Would love to hear your thoughts.


This is very interesting. I never thought to have the bearing seat area interchangeable.


I’ve been trying to print it since I was sent the file early but my ender 3 is giving me issues not related to the file that have put my printing on hold. Looking at the file it seems like it should print great but I need to fix a bent belt tensioner and a hot end before I can print a yoyo shaped yoyo myself lol.

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Oh hey, I guessed correctly on belt tension being your issue on that crazy print! Bent tensioner really sucks though! Bummer.

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This thread never fails to make me want a 3d printer. . .


Yeah I didn’t realize but my best guess is when it was out in the garage for a bit my son either climbed ontop of the printer or my wife put something very heavy on it. Either way it’s a bunch of annoying work but at least Enders are cheap parts and not terrible to replace just time…

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