Let’s talk 3D printing

That is awesome!

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goat status for sharing all your files :clap::clap:


Dangit, I have a long print going right now. I can’t wait to try this.

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This looks so very cool!

‘Preciate the shoutout, but, to be honest, I got the idea for the name from you :joy:

Just throwing it out there, if one of these found their way into my package, you would not hear me complain one bit :sweat_smile: no complaints, if not too though, obviously. Who complains about free yoyos? lol

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I would also like to put it out there that I would most definitely use one, I think I would probably enjoy it too, but like, who knows, amirite??? (I know, of course. I always know…)


Hi all! 3D printing noob here with a question. So I sent the ORK files to my local library and they turned out looking pretty good! Only problem was the YoYo seems a bit light. I didn’t specify any weight so I’m guessing by default the print is somewhat hollow? So for the next print I send I’m guessing I need to specify each half should be sliced to 27-30 grams. Should I also specify the shape of the infill? Thanks!


To adjust the weight, play with the infill density. 70% infill using a rectilinear fill pattern got me 55g total between both halves. Your experience may vary.

After you slice, you should see how much filament is estimated to be used. That gives you a rough idea on the weight. Which slicer are you using?


I don’t think they get to use the slicer themselves. Sounds like the library is doing it for them.

For yo-yos my favorite infill is cubic as it is very even and strong in all directions. I would say yeah ask them for about 27 grams per half. Impressive prints from a library! They look so good.


Yeah, exactly this. They have a 3D print form you fill out, upload the files, specify filament color and they notify you when the print is ready all for 5 cents a gram. There is a section on the form to specify preferred 3D print slicer settings/other relevant information so I think I’ll try specifying the final weight next time.

Thanks for the info and for sharing your designs @AudreySickburn I’m gonna give the Quark a shot next!


That’s amazing! Oh to be a fly on the wall of the library when The Quark order comes in. :joy:


Forogt to post this earlier, but me and my friend who’s big into robotics and does a lot of stuff in cad worked together to design this, neither of us have any experience in design fun yoyos lol but it turned out pretty well for how light it is, and he put my name on it :rofl:


Nice. Printer needs some tuning. You can see some layer adhesion issues on that overhang probably can scale up design and maybe add a bit more material in the middle and 100% infill to get to the weight desired. Otherwise design looks good


I’ve got one in your box! Just gotta few other things to print for it before it hits the mail.


Awesome! I was laying in bed ruminating last night, like, “was that rude? I prob didn’t need to ask for the keyhole. They were prob gonna throw it in anyway, and even if they didn’t, it’s a box of free yoyos. Gosh, why am I so rude?” :joy:

Adhd is so fun sometimes lol (sarcasm)

But thank you, Andy! This is going to be so awesome! I can’t wait!


I was just pondering the very same thing last night, mostly “Should I have done that?” It’s probably fine, I think I’ll be ok, I think they’ll be ok, it’s fine, right?

Gosh, I’ve never been diagnosed with anything but now I’m starting to wonder if I have adhd? I know several people in my family have it, kinda makes me wonder?

Sorry if I offended you, Andy; Keyhole looks great! you did a good job on it! That overhang looks like it would be stupid hard to print, lol. Kind of interesting how stuff can be hard to print, that never even crossed my mind, lol.

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I was not offended by either of you but I’m autistic and adhd so I’m probably not going to pick up on the social cues that might offend someone else I guess.

Unless you say something bigoted or mean I’m never offended. :woman_shrugging:


Yeah, usually people see it as selfish, I’m honestly not sure how to interpret it myself? Glad to know you’re fine though.

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Oh look, it’s another yo-yo. This time it includes a beautiful crayon drawing of a bee, by yours truly. Beehive shaped yoyo, 4 mm stainless steel axle, honeycomb response system. Files below to make your own.


This is so cool

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That’s awesome!

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