Let’s talk 3D printing

Here is a couple more of my designs! My favorite is the first one (I call it the Throwdown)


Some failed some worked gonna have to fiddle a bit.


You should check out the FedorStruder. Bolts right on the stock extruder motor all of the parts are printable. It’ll close the filament gap and you can print TPU pretty easily (even with a boden) on a stock ender style machine. Totally worth it if you want to print TPU and not spend anything on a direct drive conversion or anything.


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Taking a break from printing yo-yos to print a home for my loopers. Just cracked open some fresh white PLA to add to the mix.


Very patriotic color choice. Super cool! Fresh spools are so satisfying XD


Printed a few things @TryCatchThrow boomer cw and @TMAN_PRINTS new cw. Also some picks I’ve modified a tad but are pretty much a rip from @Kray


I love this idea/design.

How much PLA and time to print 100?

LOL. Maybe 80 “IF” I down size…


This is available on Thingiverse. I print the variety without a back for this use.

It takes me around 3 and a half hours apiece. 80 would take me 280 hours or around 12 days not accounting for failures and assuming continuous printing :grin:


So we split it lol

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This display is just for loopers. I think I have 40 :sweat_smile:

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It was a hypothetical question.

Now if I ever get a printer…


I forgot you can only print as small as your nozzle and lost all the details I thought I had. Ohh well this is why I say tolerances are an issue and why 3d printed stuff is a bit bigger than wood stuff. You lose all the details if you try to go to thin.

Ball in cup round 2 called up a tad


Looks pretty good. Let me know if you want to swap STLs!

Going 3 piece on the ball is a good idea. I flattened top and bottom and put a hole through for the string, but I’m considering reworking it to flattened on one side with a tie off bar crossing a shallow hole (I use a tie off bar on the cup with a through hole).

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I forgot I was going to make a through hole for a string but I wanted to kick it off before bed so I’ll just let it ride and redo the ball later.

I’ll see how v2 prints and gladly toss my STL files on a share somewhere

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I printed a newer one with a rounded cup and bigger ball but I don’t like it as much.

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My goal for v2 is to have a chamfer in the bottom to use as a small cup for more creative play. It’s one of the recommendations I gave overtinkering on the craters after a bit but I love my crater and it has a deep love in my heart.

All this 3d printing won’t replace it just give me another medium for the fun.

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I toyed with a bottom cup but for printing it’s a big complication.

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This is my v2 and v3. I think I’m abandoning v3 as I just prefer the size of v2, but I might try printing v3 again at lower infill to see if it’s just the weight I prefer. The v3 has the same sized base but a flare and a larger ball, as well as a fully rounded inner cup.

For v4 I’m thinking of iterating on the ball only in v2. I actually really like the cup the way it is.

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It didn’t turn out good I kind of know why but time is not on my side


My son gave me a list of things to print.

He thinks I can sell them for 10 each and be rich. I’m not gonna harsh his vibe but I think he is over valuing stuff a tad :slight_smile: