Let’s talk 3D printing

I was think about the nozzle temp

I don’t believe I have an appropriate external device to measure the temperature :sweat_smile:

Try to google it. It is really helpful to diagnose issues.
Do you hear sizzling noises while printing? That normally happens when filament is wet.
Do you have a fresh spool to test with?

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Or you can reset the slicer to the factory settings for your hardware

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Just some things I do to validate my setups

No sizzle.

Looks like you are still under extruding a lot. After you cleaned out the hot end and put everything back together did it start printing ok for a little while and then start messing up? If so then you got another clog. If this is the issue it’s the connection between the Bowden tube and the nozzle. You may need to trim the Bowden tube to a fresh straight cut (requires a little cutting tool to do right) or just replace. You might also check your retraction settings. If you have adjusted retraction to excessive amounts it can causes repeated clogs.

I have not to my knowledge adjusted retraction. I have calibrated e-steps again and increased the flow multiplier to 110% and it looks to have straightened out the problem on my test chip.

Trying Benchy again…


This Benchy was a better Benchy.


Luftverk has this CW freely available to print. Mine came out 9g, solid infill.


My first YoYo 3D print and works great, lg


Fully kitted out FH1 with rings by @wayne927 and weight by @jeffreypang911 (both printed by me). I need to reprint the rings a smidge larger for a tight fit, but I’m super into the shape of the weight. I might scale it up a smidge too.


Third kit I’ve printed for FH1. The rings mostly fit; I could probably still go larger on one half.

The weight is original but inspired by this one mashed up with the channeled bullet:


I iterated on this weight and I’m now obsessed with it. This one is 9g but if I reprint I’ll infill a little more for heavier.


Did a quick refresh on one of my old stand designs to hold my daily rotation 1x1A 1x4A 1x5A. Middle slot is now wide enough to hold a 4A throw.



Made a design for a friend who asked for a fantasy dragon egg counterweight. I think it turned out nicely


Looks great @Kray!

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Thanks you :heart_hands:


I call this one “The Disappointment”. An inner wall broke, specifically the one between the Cabal kit cap and spacer, and so it won’t assemble right.

I think the Cabal guts aren’t ideal for printed yo-yos, which makes sense as they were designed for a machined yoyo. I’m looking forward to YYF’s 3d print kit.